
Searching for a Personal Best

by Ron Presley Using the right techniques in the right places are the keys to finding your fish of a lifetime.   Cad Daly and Chris Parker hold the author’s...

Bounding Back on River Ledges

by Wesley Mann Knowing where to look and how to catch trophy catfish. The right spread from an anchored position will help catch nice flatties like this. Bounding back requires...

Live Bait Logistics

by Ann White Ann White is shown here demonstrating that fresh bait results in good fish. Fresh bait is worth the effort.   Keeping a couple dozen minnows alive for...

CATFISH CONSERVATION: Trophy Catfish for the Future

by Jamie Moore ________________________________________________________ A Conservation Message from a Lady Catfish Angler Editor’s Note: Jamie Moore does some tournament catfishing with her husband, Josh and brother-in law, Zed (Moore Brothers...

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