Taking care of freshly caught skipjack can pay big dividends, according to B’n’M prostaffer Rodney Crimm. A little special care up front results in a better bait when it’s time to go fishing.
“This is just the way I do it, and I don’t mind sharing,” instructed Crimm. “I think everyone has to have the best bait possible at any given location. When I catch skipjack, I have a cooler with ice right beside me. As soon as that skipjack comes in it goes straight on the ice. That procedure stops the blood flow as fast as possible and gets the skips cold quicker.”
“I liked to keep mine as dry as possible until I get home to freeze them. At that point, I take each bait and individually wrap it in Saran Wrap before vacuum sealing it. The result, I think, is the freshest frozen bait you can have.”