“PAPA” with Joelina Long Huffman
I use the phrase “PAPA” to remind me of a few simple things that help me put fish in the boat. It is a little memory trick that helps me get the most out of my fishing efforts. Sometimes it is the little things that make a difference and “PAPA” helps me recall them. Each letter represents something that will help me catch more catfish. I hope it helps you too.
P stands for PATIENCE – don’t try to set the hook too early. Give the fish enough time to get the bait in its mouth. And patience will help you in many other aspects of fishing.
A stands for ATTENTION TO DETAIL – check your rig before you toss it out. Make sure nothing is twisted and your hook tip is clean. Just one bait scale on the tip of a hook can result in a lost fish.
P stands for PRACTICE – The more times you do something, the better you get at it. Whether it be casting, tying knots, driving the boat, or even netting a fish. You know the old saying, “practice makes perfect.”
The final A stands for ASK QUESTIONS – This may be the most important one of all. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. There is a reason for EVERYTHING when it comes to fishing whether it be the choice of bait, a certain spot, time of day, different gear, different line lengths, etc. The catfish community is a sharing bunch and most are eager to help you. All you have to do is ask.