Early spring is one of my favorite times of the year. Everywhere you look, you see signs of new life, and with each day, you get a small glimpse of warmer weather ahead. Now, catfish are seeking warmer waters and sustainable food sources to prepare themselves for the upcoming spawn. What does this mean for you and me? Possibly some of the best catfishing you will ever experience.
So here are a couple of tips to help you this spring.
The first tip is to follow the sun. What I mean by that is to look in those shallower areas that get sun first or that the sun is on the longest. These locations will be just a few degrees warmer than the areas around them, which will pull fish up into them. Normally, those fish will become more active.
The second tip is to look and fish in areas with high concentrations of bait, such as where tributaries meet, backwaters, creek mouths and discharges.
Hopefully, these tips will help you catch more fish this spring. Tight lines and good luck.
(Chris Souders of Oak Hill, Ohio is a U.S. Coast Guard certified and licensed captain and two-time Cabela’s King Kat Angler of the Year. He shares his passion for catfishing on Slunger Cat Outdoors, a YouTube channel he created to help people learn how to find and catch catfish. His home waters are the Ohio and Kanawha rivers, but he also likes to fish on Sandusky Bay and the Tennessee, James and Mississippi rivers.)