Arkansas outdoorsman Charlie Bass has been pursuing catfish for decades. The tips he shares
in this issue can help you catch more big ones next time you’re fishing in flowing water.
Catfish Basics #161—with Charlie Bass
When you are fishing on rivers, it pays to learn how the water flows. The smart catfish angler will watch for eddies, points, logs, rocks or anything that breaks the current and provides a hiding spot for catfish.
Log drifts are one of my favorite locations for flatheads as these rafts of floating debris slow the current and create a safe haven for the catfish to feed from.
I also like fishing the edges of big eddies for big blues. Blue cats will lie in wait for food that gets caught up in the eddy and swirls around.
The best tip for rivers is respect the river. It’s been there a lot longer than you, and safety should be foremost on your mind every time you visit.