After being home two days from Mississippi River Monsters in Memphis, we packed up and headed for the annual Florida Outdoor Writers (FOWA) meeting in Palm Coast. We are in an amazing facility. The Hammock Beach Resort is a combination of a luxury resort experience in the midst of residential living in a neighborhood environment.

FOWA has more of a saltwater flavor this year, but there is still interest in catfishing among the members. When I mentioned to one fellow writer – I will call him Rob – that Catfish Conference would be in Louisville, KY on February 25 and 26 in 2017 he had a couple pieces of advice.
“First, you have to know how to say it,” said my friend. He then carefully asked me to repeat after him. “LOO-A-VUL. LOO-A-VUL.” So there you go catfish fanatics. When you get to Louisville in February expect to be greeted with a big “Welcome to LOO-A-VUL.”
Now I think that is important info to have, but his next piece of advice is important too. He used to live in LOO-A-VUL and he knows all the good places to eat. “One thing you don’t want to miss is a Bambi Burger,” instructed Rob. “The Bambi Bar is an institution in Louisville, one of the city’s oldest dives. Most of all, it has the best burgers ever. You will find it down on Bardstown Road and it is well worth the trip to visit.”
At this point in the conversation it was time to move on to the next FOWA session so we departed ways with a promise from Rob that we would pick up the conversation later and he would share more of his favorite eating spots in LOO-A_VUL. When he does, Whisker Whackers will pass them on to you.
I hope to see a lot of you in Louisville
Fish with Passion.