Flathead Catching Tips
10 Tips for Catching More Flatheads by Ron Presley Improve your flathead catching success with tips from other flathead anglers. Flatheads are considered to be finicky eaters but powerful fighters. Their finicky feeding habits make them a challenge to catch while their sheer power and resistance to come to the boat make them a much-desired […]
Flathead Time
Catching Spring Flatheads by Ron Presley Flathead catfish are known for their finicky bite but powerful fight. It’s no secret, catfish anglers love the early to late spring flathead bite. Generally, the time frame from April Fools Day through the end of May is prime flathead fishing time. That range can be adjusted on […]
The Caring Side of the Catfish Community by Ron Presley Each year more and more tournaments have used the popularity of catfishing to benefit various recipients in need. In my six years as editor of CatfishNOW I have witnessed a definite trend to use the sport of catfishing to aid individuals in need or […]
Flatheads and Modern Electronics
Catch More Flatheads Using Your Sonar/GPS Unit by Brad Wiegmann It’s a fact. Anglers have been catching flatheads long before any of them put a sonar unit on the boat. Your great grandfather didn’t use a sonar unit and still caught plenty, even some big flatheads. Today’s flathead catfish anglers are benefiting from advanced […]