The Asian Carp Dilemma on the Tennessee and Cumberland River Basins
You can join in the fight to save our catfish waters.
Up and down the Tennessee and Cumberland River Basins, Asian carp are one of the largest threats facing waters, fisheries, recreation, and local economies.
This winter, the Federation led the effort that secured $25 million in federal funding to fight Asian carp and opened those funds to the Southeast. Federal agencies are allocating that money now and our attention is already turning to the next fiscal year.
>>TAKE ACTION: See the latest you can do to help fight Asian carp
The Federation coordinated an official request for another $25 million. As a result, our senators and some of our House members are already carrying that request into the budgeting process. Along with partners, we are now working with lawmakers of other states in the Tennessee and Cumberland River Basin to gain their support as well.
At the same time, our policy team is working with these legislators to secure an additional $4.4 million to fund the aquatic nuisance species management plans nationwide.
Additionally, a Senate committee approved America’s Water Infrastructure Act, which included $35 million for Asian carp projects. The Federation worked with Senator Alexander’s office to include language that made Tennessee’s rivers eligible to receive funding.
Our efforts to lock in all these potential funds will continue into the fall as the federal budget takes shape.
Source: Tennessee Wildlife Federation