Any serious cat man or woman will tell you how important a good reel is to them in their fishing adventures. Many of them are using the Team Catfish Gold Ring 400. This great little reel offers good value and dependable service.
The Gold Ring 400 features a 6.1 to 1 hi speed retrieval ratio and maximum drag pressure of 12 pounds. It also holds plenty of line for any application. It will hold 120 yards of 20-pound mono. The reel has a smooth operating 5 stainless steel bearing system and dual magnetic cast control with wind-age dial for tossing big bulky baits. It you like to hear the clicker go off you can set it and know it won’t accidentally be turned off, since it is hidden from the palm of your hand. The reel also has a heavy duty reel seat and heavy duty handle with a soft grip power knob just in case you get into the big boys. This is a catfish reel anyone can be happy with.
Tennessee River catfish guide Ty Konkle,, uses the reels for very practical reasons. He wants his clients to have quality, dependable gear. A guided fishing trip is no place for equipment failure.
“I like them for their smoothness,” offered Konkle. “I can cast an incredible distance with them. The clicker drag is really great with even pull. The thumb spool release is awesome for clients because they can learn to back bounce easier with just one hand needed for most of the work. And the price is still lower than most comparable reels. They are just one of the smoothest little reels I have used.”
Visit the Team Catfish website at to view their full line of catfish gear.