James N. Arwood had a dream of making his own hooks. Beginning with several top selling fish hooks, he began studying them with the idea of making them better. At first, he used his creations himself and later gave some to friends. But the fiends kept coming back for more. As demand for his hooks grew, he began selling them retail. This small beginning flourished into what is known today as Hookers Terminal Tackle (HTT).
As hook sales increased, he added more products to the HHH line. His success is demonstrated by the numerous anglers who have adopted his products as their choice for all different kinds of fishing, but with a base in catfishing.
One popular addition to the HTT line of products is the 110-Pound Digital Scales. Since the scales are portable you may find other uses for them, but the intended use is for weighing big catfish up to the scale’s 110-pound limit.
The electronic scale runs on two standard AAA batteries (not included). All functions are controlled by three simple buttons. A push of the Tare button will zero the scales; push the unit button to weight by pounds or kilograms; the third button turns the scales of and on. Forgot to turn them off? No worries, a built-in timer will shut them down for you.
They are normally used as hand-held but can be made stationary by hanging by the ring on top. The scales are water resistant but not waterproof. It is a good idea to store them in a Ziploc bag or some other waterproof container.
Given catfish angler’s emphasis on fish care today, the ideal way to use the scales is to first place big fish in a fish sling. Then hang the sling by the hook on the scales to determine the weight.
Like all of HTT products, the scales can be returned for any reason if you don’t like them.
Visit the Hooker Terminal Tackle’s website at www.hookersterminaltackle.com to view their full line of catfish gear. Given their 100 percent, no questions asked, money back guarantee, what do you have to lose?