This big cat did not have a chance to get off. The Mad Catter penetrated completely. That is one of the reasons Trey Thorpe uses them.
James N. Arwood had a dream of making his own hooks. Beginning with several top selling fish hooks, he began studying them with the idea of making them better. At first, he used his creations himself and later gave some to friends. But the friends kept coming back for more. As demand for his hooks grew, he began selling them retail. This small beginning flourished into what is known today as Hookers Terminal Tackle (HTT).
As hook sales increased, he added more products to the HTT line. His success is demonstrated by the numerous anglers who have adopted his products as their choice for all different kinds of fishing, but with a base in catfishing.
One of the most popular HTT hooks in the catfish arena are the Mad Catter hooks. They are a dual action hook with a super wide gap. They are a blend of a circle and Kahle hook that provides anglers the best of two worlds. They can be use as self-setting hooks or traditional setting hooks and the wide gap accommodates big baits.
Trey Thorpe uses the Mad Catter series religiously and has for the last two years. He targets big cats, mostly on the James River in Virginia.
“I use the 10/0 XHD,” confirmed Thorpe. “The gap between the point and shank is perfect for big baits and the big jaw of a 50-plus pound blue cat. Once the barb goes in it doesn’t come out.”

“The Mad Catter hooks stay super sharp after weeks of bait and big fish,” concluded Thorpe. “I love all their products, from swivels to hooks.”
Another angler that uses the Mad Catter faithfully is Dale Russel Lowe Jr. Early in his use of the Mad Catter Lowe landed a 141-pound blue while fishing the Icebowl Tournament on John H. Kerr Reservoir (Buggs Island Lake). At that time, he was using the HD but adopted the XHD once they were available about a year later.
“The Mad Catter 10/0 XHD Is my favorite hook,” said Lowe. “I love that it’s duel action and can be used as a circle or you can set the hook. I fish lakes and rivers for blues and flatheads and I can use the same hook for every type of catfishing I do. They are very strong and have a strong sharp tip. I’m very confident in them.”
The HTT guarantee cannot be beat. Any product in the HTT line can be returned for any reason if you don’t like them.
Visit the Hooker Terminal Tackle’s website at to view their full line of catfish gear. Given their 100 percent, no questions asked, money back guarantee, what do you have to lose?