My life has become entangled with catfish. My mind is rambling from thought to thought and every thought leads to a whisker connection of some kind. Yesterday CatfishNOW digital magazine launched and it it’s time to put the second issue together. I am proud to have been asked to be a part of it and I want to thank all the others who have offered their individual talents as part of the cause.

Before working on the magazine I needed to complete a task at the boatyard where I store my Pathfinder. The chore at hand was to replace the canvas top on the aluminum frame that adds some level of protection to the boat. It was a tedious chore that I was not looking forward to, but my grandson came to give me a hand and we got it done.
I was supposed to travel to Aaron Wheatley’s Monsters on the Ohio, but Hurricane Matthew had a different idea. Merritt Island was placed under a mandatory evacuation order and we spent four days on the west coast in a Holiday Inn Express. (This facility was in Hillsboro, FL and the management went out of their way to accommodate the hurricane refugees.)

Anyway, I had removed the canvas to keep it from blowing away and this morning I put it back up. All the time I was grieving for not being able to experience Monsters on the Ohio and visit with all the friends that I had planned to see there. I would be remiss in my duties if I did not congratulate Jeremy Ransom and Travis Robertson on the win.
With the boatyard chore complete I was exhausted, came home, opened the fridge looking for a refreshing drink. There it was, a can of Choc-Ola. It was a gift from Steve and Lisa Douglas at George Young’s Mississippi River Monsters last month. Choc-Ola’s slogan is “Shake it and Take it.” I did and felt refreshed. Thanks Steve and Lisa! (That was my last can. Does anyone know where you can get Choc-Ola in Florida?) Thinking of Mississippi River Monsters I have to congratulate the Masingale brothers on the win.
Anyway, with the Choc-Ola break complete I headed to the shower before breakfast. See the photo for what I returned to. Karen fixed a real country breakfast complete with Sweet Pepper Relish on the eggs.

Now, where do you suppose the relish came from? Jeremy Coe knows. Kyle Hittner knows. It came from the Stone Hill Honey Farm Market and Cafe in Henderson, KY. Why was I there? Cabela’s King Kat Northern Classic. Karen liked Henderson so much she said, “I could live here.” I think Carl Morris Jr. and Rob Parsons likes Henderson too. Congrats on the win guys.

My next activity was to open up the computer and figure out what to do next. I wanted to accomplish something related to next month’s CatfishNOW. A message notification popped up on the screen. The message was from Chuck Davidson with a great idea for future magazines. More on this later.
All this catfish stuff started for me when TJ Stallings (TTI Blakemore) set me up for a fishing trip with Larry Muse a few years ago. I witnessed firsthand what this catfish thing was all about. The more I investigated, the more I realized the passion that catfish anglers have for their sport. I was immediately hooked and remain hooked on this growing sport.
So, with my morning rambling over, I shall concentrate on the task at hand. You can be sure it will have much to do with catfishing. I want to say thank you to all my whisker whacking friends who have welcomed me into the catfish community. My life is entangled with catfish and I don’t see any way to escape.
Fish with passion.