Family matters, especially in catfishing
Roy Harkness is a cotton farmer. When the times comes to pick cotton nothing else matters much and the Bass Pro Shops Big Cat Quest (BCQ) Championship was scheduled on what would likely be a cotton pickin’ weekend. It was Oct. 7 and 8, 2017.
“I really wasn’t planning on fishing New Madrid,” offered Harkness. “But an unexpected break down occurred in our combine and our cotton picker late Friday evening. It was a last-minute decision to fish the BCQ. We were not prepared at all for the tournament, we just went fishing and were pleased with our 175.95 pounds to finish in seventh place.”

Harkness was fishing with his Father-in-law, Don Sweat, and his oldest son who is 10 years old. It could not have been a better time to receive the AOY award.
“My family is very involved with me and it makes it even more special. I am blessed with great kids and an awesome wife. We do everything together!”
“New Madrid was a special tournament for me,” said Harkness. “It was the first time I got to fish a tournament with my oldest son Hunter. He loved it, but I don’t think he really knows how much it meant to me having him there.”
“The AOY was a real surprise,” offered Harkness. “I was really shocked. I was not expecting it at all.”

Harkness has had quite a year with his catfishing activities and the AOY was a great way to top it off.

“I have had a great year,” declared Harkness. “Jeff Dodd and I won the World Championship of Catfishing in July; won at Tunica; placed second at Carl Perkins; finished third at Helena; and finished second at Mississippi River Monsters in Memphis. There were more good finishes on top of those.”
“I have met so many great people along the way,” concluded Harkness. “I have been blessed to be recognized for doing something I love.”