Day one is in the books at the Santee Cooper Monster Cat Quest out of Black’s Camp, Cross, SC. The tournament, now in its second year, attracted more than 100 boats to fish the popular Santee Cooper waters.

Mark Coborn, from Myrtle Beach, SC was on hand at the weigh-in. He reports that today’s leaders are the team of Evan Martin and Larry Godwin. They are at the top the leaderboard with a total weight of 131 pounds that includes the big fish of the day at 66.5 pounds.

Martin and Godwin are no strangers to Santee Cooper, they won big fish at last year’s Santee Cooper Monster Cat Quest and finished 6th.
In an interview with Coburn they reported fishing together as a team since “day one.”
They caught their big fish early, about 7:45 am. They were anchored on their second spot after catching only one fish on the first one. They took the big fish to the scales and went back to the same spot and caught two more.
“We were fishing stump fields,” reported Martin. “We were trying to find some fish up there feeding. We moved about every 40 minutes and hopped around. I think what we learned today will give us a better game plan for what we do tomorrow. We will give that good spot another shot tomorrow.”
Anglers will hit the water again tomorrow to determine the final winners. Championship belts will be awarded to the Big Fish winners. Interested anglers can go to Santee Cooper Monster Cat Facebook page and watch the final weigh-in on Saturday.
Congrats to Martin and Godwin on their day-one lead and good luck to the other anglers as they finish out the tournament tomorrow.