The 2017 Mississippi River Monsters tournament in Memphis will feature prominent anglers and tournament teams in a series of catfish seminars. The Friday afternoon event promises to provide more catfishing information in four hours than an individual could accumulate in years of fishing on their own.

One of the distinguishing elements of tournament catfishing anglers, and catfish anglers in general for that matter, is their willingness to share what they know with others. The Angler Roundup seminar series is being introduced to do just that in a short period of time. If you have questions about catfishing you need to invest the time to be there on September 15, 2017 inside the pyramid at Memphis, TN.
The 2:15 pm time slot will be filled by Capt. Glenn Flowers from Florida. Flowers is well known for putting big flatheads in the boat. He is one of the first anglers to tell you that it does not have to be at night, but that’s when he likes to do it.
“Catching more flatheads will be our theme,” stated Flowers. “I have accumulated a lot of tricks and tips to share with anyone that wants to catch more flatheads. I will be talking about some of the things that I think are most important when targeting flatheads.”
“One important element is finding flathead habitats,” continued Flowers. “I will talk about how to find em,’ how to mark em,” and how to make a plan and stick with it.”
“In the process, we will also cover basic topics like rods and rigs; catching and deploying bait; and discuss which baits work best.
Nighttime is the right time according to Flowers. “Many of us catfish anglers prefer night over day for many reasons,” concluded Flowers. “In the first place It is more comfortable for us anglers, but the fish like the darkness too. We will talk about the reasons for that.”
Other well-known anglers that will be presenting at Angler Roundup include Jeff “Big Daddy” Dodd from Tennessee, Natalie Wilbanks and David Shipman from Mississippi, James “Big Cat” Patterson from Memphis, and Jason and Daryl Masingale, from Arkansas.
Regardless of where you fish, there will be plenty of tips and techniques that you can use in your own backyard. The Angler Roundup begins at noon on Friday and runs through about 3:45 pm. For fishing teams, the next event following the seminars is the Captain’s Meeting at 6:30 pm.
For more details on the 2017 Mississippi River Monsters Catfish Tournament and Angler Roundup visit the website at or the MRM Facebook page.