
Tournament Planning

by Ron Presley Winter tournaments continue to grow in popularity. Being prepared for winter tournaments with salt at the ramp can solve some problems before they appear. The First Annual...

Trippin’ for Catfish

by Ron Presley Editors Note: Philip Brown is a cat man that loves to travel in search of big catfish. His travels have taught him a thing or two that...

Monsters on the Ohio 2018

by Ron Presley Friends, Fun, and Conservation at Monsters on the Ohio Dale and Matt Kerns are the 2018 Monsters on the Ohio Champions. They weighed in a limit of...

Road Trip: Jeffersonville, Indiana

Hoosier Hospitality and Big Fish Too by Ron Presley The Ohio River runs boldly along the riverfront at Jeffersonville, IN. The city’s history is inescapably tied to the river which...

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