The big smile on the face of this boy—Tucker Bina of Grand Forks, North Dakota—says it all. By following a few simple guidelines, you can help make every child’s fishing...
Virginia lawmakers hope to curb the blue catfish’s impact on the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem by encouraging more harvest and consumption of these delicious fish. (credit: Keith Sutton) Virginia Lawmakers Target...
Off Shore Tackle Planer Board Releases In-line planer boards are gaining popularity among catfish anglers, but many quickly realize that traditional pinch-pad line releases work best with monofilament lines. Fortunately,...
Catfish Basics #175, Weather Effects Story and photo by Keith “Catfish” Sutton Stormy weather can make catfishing unpredictable. One day, the fish are biting like crazy—on the next, they won’t...
Capt. Bob Crosby (right) poses for a photo with a client—Mose Weary of Collins, Mississippi— holding a dandy Mississippi River blue cat. Fish this size are common in the waters...
A blast from the past! The author on the Red River in 2005, fishing with a 14-foot boat and a 15-horse motor long before he started guiding. Notice the Ugly...
While waiting for a catfish to bite, Vernon Lovejoy (left), Captain Dave Magness (center) and Frayne Berg discuss some of their time in Vietnam. Lines in the Water, Brothers...
Marc Cooper and girlfriend, Katie Allen, show off a 30-pound blue taken pulling planer boards in relatively shallow water in the back end of a slough off the Tennessee River....
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