Catching good numbers of channel catfish can be a fun family day in the outdoors. Most ponds, lakes, or rivers have these tasty catfish. Their abundance makes them a great starter fish for new anglers.
If you own or are allowed to fish a private pond that has been stocked with channels it can be a lot fun and close to home. Although I fish a lot of different public waters and catch them on almost all of them, fishing my pond is always a treat. A week ago, I caught my biggest to date from my backyard pond. It weighted just over 8 pounds.
It doesn’t require ultra-expensive gear […]
Sandusky Bay for Channel Cats
Historically, several destinations come to mind when seeking trophy channel cats. The Red River of the North, The Yellowstone River, and Calamus Reservoir to name a few. As the smaller of the “Big Three” catfish species found in the U.S., channel cats are the most abundant. Blue catfish grow largest, reaching weights well over 100 pounds […]
The Channel Cat Challenge at Reelfoot Lake
No one overlooks Tennessee’s Reelfoot Lake as a fishing hole. It’s a bucket-list destination for anglers, and folks gladly drive for hours or even days to spend time plying its legendary water. Most come for giant bluegills or crappie, though, with a fair number also coming to cast bass lures around cypress trees and lily pads […]
Create Some Channel Cat Memories on the Red River
The Red River of the North is world-famous. It is one of the catfish destinations that is a legend to some and a life-long dream trip to others. It is one of the last true “original” rivers in the United States. This is the river that I call home and it is a very special body of water to all those who experience it […]