A Celebration of Women Who Love Catfishing
During a recent visit to Tennessee’s Reelfoot Lake, some friends and I were talking about the people who had introduced us to the world of fishing.
“My father let me start fishing with him when I was just six or seven,” one of the guys said. “We fished mostly for panfish, but we liked to eat catfish, too, so channel cats and flatheads were our targets sometimes, especially in summer when we’d go out at night.”
Santee’s Shannon Sellers
Her catfishing knowledge and skill are off-the-chart good, but Shannon Sellers’ best attribute as first mate may be her people skills. Shannon Sellers: The Catfishing Guide’s Ideal First Mate By Terry Madewell Being first mate on a catfishing guide boat requires a lot from any angler. First Mate Shannon Sellers excels with her […]
Kansas Woman Paddles to Big-Cat Water
Catching flathead catfish out of her kayak always brings a smile to Mary Kay Myers’ face. Kayaking for Kansas Cats By Brent Frazee Kayak angler Mary Kay Myers borrows a scenario from “Jaws”—”We’re going to need a bigger boat.” When Mary Kay Myers paddles her kayak down the murky Neosho River in […]
Love of Fishing and the Fight Attracts Women to Catfishing
T.J. Gramberg of Siren, Wisconsin, targets fat channel catfish like this one when she’s out guiding anglers on the Clam River lakes. (T.J. Gramberg photo) Women Who Love to Catch Catfish By Alan Clemons The history of catfishing throughout America is dotted with women who love catching Mr. Whiskers. Whether from a pond [...]
New Tennessee State-Record Blue
Since he has been down this road before, Micka Burkhart knew exactly where to go to weigh his likely new Tennessee state record catfish (122.3 pounds). He said he called them in advance and the folks at Who Dat Processing were ready and waiting when he got there so they could get the certified weight […]
Electronics by Wiegmann
Is that a catfish? by Brad Wiegmann Typically, catfish will be seen near the bottom of a lake and identified by their large heads and small tails. How many times have you been looking at your fishfinder and wondered, is that a catfish? Sometimes it’s easy to see the echo of what appears to […]
Catfish Basics #157— with Matt “CatMatt” Jones
Cat Matt Jones’ better half, Michelle Jones, shows off a big beautiful flathead caught during daytime hours. Ahhhh, the flathead catfish—big, strong and a stone-cold killer. Most anglers know it as a nighttime predator. Pull out the headlamps and glowsticks and grab fresh batteries for the flashlight. Maybe as a bank angler, gather […]
Catfish Gear #66
New Atlas Heavy-Lift Catfish Rod By Keith “Catfish” Sutton B’n’M Pole Company is adding a new rod to its already impressive lineup of catfish catchers. The all-new 7-1/2-foot, one-piece Atlas XH is designed to handle any fish in any current. Features include a multi-modulus S-glass composite blank for superior strength and flexibility, nine stainless-steel […]
Get Ready for Summer
Five Ways to Prepare for Summer Fun Source: Arkansas Game and Fish Commission Keeping kids safe and healthy should be foremost on everyone’s mind when enjoying outdoor activities this summer. Summer’s heat is kicking in, filling boat ramps, swim beaches and campsites with families enjoying all the outdoors has to offer. With this in […]
New Mississippi River Study Biggest Ever
A five-year study of the Lower Mississippi River in Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri and Tennessee will help guide Corps of Engineers management and conservation efforts well into the future. Mississippi River Study Launched by the Corps By Keith “Catfish” Sutton What could be one of the most important studies of the Mississippi […]
Italian Fisherman Lands River Po Giant
Pro angler Alessandro Biancardi of Mantova, Italy has shocked the whole catfish world with a 9-foot, 4-inch monster wels cat caught in the River Po on May 25. Is This the Biggest Catfish Ever Caught on Rod and Reel? By Keith Sutton A 9-foot, 4-inch-long wels catfish caught in Italy this May should establish […]
CFN How-to Video with Joey Pounders and Jay Gallop—Tips for Spawning Season Cats
It’s that time of year when catfishing gets tough. Female catfish are laying their eggs in underwater cavities, males are guarding the eggs and fry, and, as a result, anglers are finding it hard to coax fish to bite. What should you do when you confront this situation? Mississippi catfishermen Joey Pounders and Jay Gallop, […]