Tournament Time
Welcome, everyone to the May edition of CatfishNow (CFN). This month’s edition is dedicated to blue cat destinations. Spring fishing has been extremely good with numerous personal bests posted. If you haven’t improved your personal best consider visiting one of the three destinations featured this month.
I had the opportunity to fish Wheeler Lake a couple of times this spring and it was great as usual. The first opportunity was in conjunction with Patriot Catfishing INC. Spring event. I had the honor of fishing with B’n’M Poles Prostaffer Cad Daly. As usual, the fishing was great. You can read all about it in this issue.
I returned about a month later and fished with Roger Breedlove and Larry Muse. Those stories will be featured in future issues of CatfishNOW.
If Wheeler Lake is not on your bucket list you need to add it. Believe me, I speak from experience.
The other two featured destinations are Lake Murray in South Carolina and the Chesapeake Bay. Terry Madewell’s story on Lake Murray will convince you to give it a try. Keith Sutton’s tale of catfish in the Chesapeake Bay leaves no doubt that it too is a worthy candidate for a trophy blue cat bucket list destination.