Nov 2016

First Fish

By John N. Felsher Small channel catfish can still offer big sport             Many people probably start fishing by catching channel catfish, often in a private pond or public lake....

Flatheads for Beginners

By Glenn Flowers   "Night Time is the Right Time" Flatheads will put the most seasoned flathead fishermen to the test, time and time again. Make no mistake flatheads are...

Fishing’s Future . . . More than a Sport

By Ron Presley Shane Wilson signs his correspondence with the phrase, “Fishing's Future......more than a sport.” Give that statement just a little thought and you will understand the mission of...

River Rumors: Everything’s Relative

This month’s cover photo shows a big Santee Cooper blue cat caught by Brian Cope while fishing with Capt. Gene Crawford out of Black’s Camp in South Carolina. Cope’s fishing...

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