While 2020 was a year of trouble and disappointment, Brian Cabe’s year was a little brighter after being the first of Konkle’s clients to join the 100-pound club. Konkle had...
Hatchery Stocked Ponds for Kids Fishing Catchin’ fish and being safe. There are many state and city managed small lakes and ponds that regularly stock catchable-size channel catfish. These...
With young anglers, a simple plan and steady action are more important than big fish. Catfish Young Anglers Can Bank On by Jeff Samsel A shoreline approach keeps thing...
Finding Peace in the Outdoors by Ron Presley His friends call him Bobby. With his 35th birthday approaching Aaron “Bobby” Churchwell looks back on his catfishing experience with...
The Small Boat Advantage by Jeffrey Miller A small boat can lead to big possibilities. Like many rivers around the country, my home river has a healthy population of...
Bullheads don’t get very large but these panfish are favorites of many anglers. Photo by Keith Sutton 7 Tips for Cool-Season Bullhead Anglers by Keith “Catfish” Sutton Want to...
The author lifts a big Surubim catfish that grabbed his 7-inch, hard plastic minnowbait. “The Painted Catfish of South America” by Larry Larsen The most beautiful catfish in South...
Shown here with a nice flathead, Greenwell enjoys showing others how to catch fish like this. Still Chasing that Big One by Mike Greenwell I never fished as a...
Kevin Parks uses planer boards that he designed to catch big channel cats. Cool weather, feeding channel cats, and planer boards by Brent Frazee Fishermen troll shallow water to...
Timothy Daniel King fishes from a fully equipped Hobie to satisfy his catfish addition Fishing for the Challenge of Trophy Cats from a Kayak by Timothy Daniel King, King...
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