Angela Dixon of Chidester, Arkansas with her 3-pound, 9-ounce record brown bullhead from Lower White Oak Lake. Two for the Books Sources: Arkansas Game & Fish Commission, International Game...
Haylee and Logan Applegate caught 50-pound catfish from Lake Conway in Arkansas within days of one another. Rebuilding a Legendary Flathead Lake By Keith “Catfish” Sutton Arkansas’ Lake Conway...
Garmin's home screen allows an angler to put the unit in sleep mode to conserve power. Go to Sleep and Save Power by Brad Wiegmann Forward-facing modules use less...
The Cumberland Catfish As told by Robert Wolfender In their book “Folklore from the Working Folk of America” (1973), authors T.P. Coffin and Henig Cohen share a catfish tale given...
The Maryland Department of Natural Resources has launched a statewide campaign to teach citizens about the impact of blue and flathead catfish and encourage anglers to remove these invasive species...
The little Scioto madtom has not been documented since 1957 and was recently declared extinct by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. (credit: Dave Neely, Ohio DNR) Scioto Madtom...
LIS grid lines can be turned on or off by going to the menu. Why You Should Use Live Imaging Sonar Grid Lines by Brad Wiegmann LIS grid lines...
Rance Bore-‘em By James Robinson, aka George Killikrankie Kauphy Welcome to our new magazine section, Page From the Past, where we will periodically share with you timeless stories that celebrate...
Michael John Drake of St. Albans, WV broke his state’s record for the heaviest blue catfish with this nearly 70-pound catch, officials announced. (courtesy of West Virginia DNR) Ohio...
Were it to be introduced into North American waters, the wels catfish could have devastating impacts on native fish and ecosystems. Guarding Ontario’s Waters Preventing the Potential Invasion of Wels...
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