King Kat Win at Smith Mountain Lake Goes to Bill and Cindy White by Ron Presley, Photos courtesy of King Kat Bill and Cindy White also claimed Big Fish honors...
TCO Win Goes to Hunter Jones and Justin Shepard by Ron Presley, Photos courtesy of Twisted Cat Outdoors by Tom Stolze Big Fish honors claimed by the winning team with...
Top Honors at NACT Battle of the Lakes Go to Mike and Jackson Mitchell by Ron Presley, Photos courtesy of NACT Winners in this unique 12-hour tournament are determined...
King Kat Win at Clinton Goes to Ryan Kelly and Thomas Herman by Ron Presley, Photos courtesy of King Kat Kelly and Herman also claimed Big Fish honors in a...
Catfishing, Memories, and Friends by Ron Presley Photos submitted Tournament fishing has many benefits beyond trophies and prizes. Bree Preece has been on active duty in the Navy and stationed...
MRM MegaBucs – Helena Victory Goes to Masingale, Masingale, and Coughlin by Ron Presley Photos courtesy of MRM Masingale, Masingale, and Coughlin pulled off a repeat win in the MRM...
TCO Win Goes to Nathan Dahlstrom, Jesse Ryan, and Tyson Emery by Ron Presley, Photos courtesy of Twisted Cat Outdoors by Tom Stolze Big Fish honors also claimed by...
MRM Win Goes to Chad Vice and Dustin Jones Big Fish honors and 3rd place went to the team of Delmar Wagler, Justin Arthur, and Kevin Childress. By Ron Presley...
Donnie and Lonnie Fountain Top 200 Teams at Rising Sun by Ron Presley, Photos courtesy of OVRC The Big Fish Award at OVRC went to the father/daughter team of Scott...
Rock Bottom River Series Win Goes to Mike and Kassi Kuehl, and Dan Dipple by Ron Presley, Photos courtesy of Rock Bottom River Series This startup catfish tournament trail began...
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