2024 ICAST
Dan Dannenmueller Sr
CatfishNOW Publisher
ICAST 2024 is now in the history books. My lovely bride, Sue, and I attended, and we have sore feet to prove it. The good news is that the number of vendors and new products were significantly up.
In recent years, the number of vendors and attendees to ICAST have suffered due to COVID and the weakened economy. Disposable income for small companies and their fishing clientele has taken a hit. This year saw a big upswing, in my opinion, as new products and vendors appeared to reach out to a hopeful 2025.
Stinkbaits for Channel Catfish Story and photos by Terry Madewell
Professional guide Chris Simpson has used stinkbaits effectively for many years on multiple lakes. Stinkbaits for Channel Catfish Story and photos by Terry Madewell Channel catfish can be caught on a variety of baits, but stinkbaits are highly productive, providing fast-paced action for these pugnacious catfish. The first time I dipped a […]
The Dog (And Cat) Days of Summer By Brent Frazee
Summer drift fishing produces big smiles for fishermen such as Don Coffee. (courtesy of Don Coffee) The Dog (And Cat) Days of Summer By Brent Frazee Drift fishing the flats is great way to catch big summer channel cats. It’s another hot, steamy day in northeast Kansas, and most fishermen have retreated to […]
Channel Catfish Tactics: Breaking Down New Water Story and photos by Brad Durick
Amber, a client of the author, holding a large channel catfish in new waters during a fairly aggressive time. This fish was caught on an outside bend in the ON current seam. Channel Catfish Tactics: Breaking Down New Water Story and photos by Brad Durick Breaking down rivers for channel cats is easier than […]
What’s New for Catfish Anglers in 2024? Story and photos by: Joe Jellison, Fishing Guide, Scenic City Fishing Charters
What’s New for Catfish Anglers in 2024? Story and photos by: Joe Jellison, Fishing Guide, Scenic City Fishing Charters Here’s a sneak peak at the best new catfish gear from ICAST. ICAST is considered to be the world’s largest expo where fishing companies, anglers and social-media influencers can all network under one roof. It’s a [...]
Zoom, Zoom to See More Story and photos by Brad Wiegmann
Bottom lock can be used to zoom in on the bottom layer when searching for fish or baitfish. Zoom, Zoom to See More Story and photos by Brad Wiegmann Zooming in on fish, baitfish, structure and cover is the easiest way to see what’s under your boat. The question is to zoom or […]
Catfish Basics #169—Getting to Know Channel Catfish by Keith Sutton
Channel cats are the most numerous, most popular and most widespread species of catfish in the United States. More than 12 million Americans fish for these hard-fighting, good-eating sportfish every year. (Photo by Sam Stukel, USFWS) Catfish Basics #169—Getting to Know Channel Catfish by Keith Sutton The channel cat is the pin-up of the […]
Catfish Gear #79 – Transform Your Fishing Experience With Driftmaster By Keith “Catfish” Sutton
Driftmaster rod holders will hold your rod securely, within reach, and release the rod the instant you set the hook. All the company’s products are made in the U.S. and have a lifetime warranty against breakage. Transform Your Fishing Experience With Driftmaster By Keith “Catfish” Sutton Uncompromising rod holders and trolling systems made in […]
7-Year-Old Catches New Lake-Record Catfish By Keith “Catfish” Sutton
Seven-year-old Gunnar Cheney (center) now holds the record for the largest-ever catfish caught at Lake Lamar Bruce just outside of Saltillo, Mississippi. (courtesy of MDWFP) 7-Year-Old Catches New Lake-Record Catfish By Keith “Catfish” Sutton Accolades have poured in for this youngster and his big catch. When you’re just seven years old, it’s a pretty […]
Return Fish Tags for Rewards
Return Fish Tags for Rewards Georgia DNR Georgia DNR continues study of invasive blue catfish. For the second year in a row, Georgia Department of Natural Resources’ Wildlife Resources Division researchers are conducting a blue catfish tagging project on the Satilla River and need your help. Fisheries managers hope this study will allow them […]
Channel Cat Record Tops 46 Pounds
John Tyler Rutherford (left) and his father are all smiles as they pose for the camera with John’s 46.7-pound state-record channel catfish, one of the biggest caught anywhere in North America in recent years. (Photo courtesy of WVDNR) Channel Cat Record Tops 46 Pounds West Virginia DNR Gigantic channel cat establishes new West Virginia […]
Why We Catfish: A Guest Editorial Story and photo by Brad Hierstetter
The author’s son Jake with a nice blue cat caught in Maryland’s Patuxent River. The smile on this youngster’s face tells you he has not a worry in the world as he enjoys fishing with his dad. Why We Catfish: A Guest Editorial Story and photo by Brad Hierstetter The challenges life throws at […]
CFN How-to Video with Capt. David Magness
When you’re hoping to catch some small catfish for dinner, few baits work better than chicken liver. Keeping liver on a hook can be tough, though. This soft bait has a tendency to fly off when cast. That won’t happen, though, if you use this simple tip from Capt. David Magness with Cat’n Aroun’ Guide […]
Page From the Past: The Sorrows of the Fisherman By Charles Heber Clark
Page From the Past: The Sorrows of the Fisherman By Charles Heber Clark Charles Heber Clark, though almost forgotten today, was a very successful humorist of the last half of the 1800s. “Out of the Hurly-Burly,” which he published in 1874 under the pen name Max Adeler, was his most successful work, selling upwards […]