
Boating Safely With Kids

Roy and Holly Sweat Harkness practice water safety beginning with life jackets on the kids. They are shown here with their sons on a fishing adventure. Hunter is 15 years...

Lily’s First Fish

Hesitant at first, Lily is now ready to go fishing again. Each spring, CatfishNOW (CFN) and CrappieNOW (CN) conducts a writers' camp to bring writers, anglers, and sponsors of the...

Upgrading Your Boat’s Wiring System

Multiple sonar units on fishing boats require maximum power and heavy gauge wiring. (Brad Wiegmann Photo)   Wiring for Power Hungry Electronics by Brad Wiegmann DIY anglers can purchase wiring...

Cattin’ With Grandkids

Little Avery didn’t want to hold the channel catfish she caught, but she wanted to be in the picture with grandpa. (Jenny Schiltz Photo)     The Day My Little...

Passing it Along

Catfish tournament pro Jay Gallop sharing his passion for catfishing with Kanon Moe at Jackson Lake Island along the Alabama River.     Sharing Catfishing Experience by Jeff Samsel Combine...

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