Whisker Whackers is dedicated to those passionate catfish anglers that love and support
the growing sport of catfishing. Whisker Whackers News and Views will deal with all things catfish.
Whisker Whackers: Catfish News and Views
Dry Creek Marine LLC Tournament — How They Fished
Dry Creek Marine LLC Tournament win goes to Damian Clark and Jeremiah Keen by Ron Presley, Photos courtesy of Dry Creek Marine LLC The predicted inclement weather did not hamper 22 teams from registering for the late December tournament. Fortunately, the weather didn’t materialize as expected. Dry Creek Marine hosted its 2nd annual […]
Consistency Rules the Day in December Catfish Tournament out of Black’s Camp, SC
Victory at Black’s Camp Shootout Goes to Team Stump Jumpers by Ron Presley After two days of competition only 4 pounds separated the 1st and 2nd place teams in a December battle on Santee Cooper. The December 2024 Blacks Camp Big Cat Shootout, returned to the Santee Cooper Lakes on December 13th and 14th, 2024. […]
Santee Lakes Catfish Club —How They Fished
SLCC Win Goes to Team Catastrophic Failures by Ron Presley Photo credit: SLCC by Kevin Lakin Forty-one teams braved the elements on Santee Cooper. They challenged high winds and cold temperatures looking for the heaviest 3 catfish they could find. The Santee Lakes Catfish Club (SLCC) held a recent tournament out of Canal Lakes […]
Southeastern Big Money Showdown 2024—How They Fished
Southeastern Big Money Showdown Win Goes to Timothy London and Danny Ball by Ron Presley Photo credit: Southeastern Catfish Club The 2023 Southeastern Big Money Showdown allowed 4 fish per day in the two-day event on Lake Wateree. It required a total weight of more than 160 pounds to win it. The Southeastern Catfish Club […]
Twisted Cat Outdoors Championship 2024—How They Fished
Twisted Cat Championship Win Goes to the Yuvan Brothers, Mike and Brennen by Ron Presley, Photos courtesy of Twisted Cat Outdoors by Tom Stolze J.T. Ray was named the TCO Angler of the Year award following the competition in Helena, Arkansas. Twisted Cat Outdoors celebrated 10 years of tournament fishing at their invitation-only championship […]
Just Let the Girls Fish
The Girls Ruled and the Boys Drooled by Ron Presley Photos courtesy of Mississippi River Catfish Trail The growing number of lady anglers in tournament catfishing is a welcome occurrence. Selena Magness and Shiela Powers took it beyond fishing to winning as they set an example for other ladies on how to enjoy catfishing. […]
Christmas for Kids Tournament — 2024
Catfish Tournament in Alabama is More Than Fishing by Ron Presley Photos courtesy of Christmas For Kids Tournament The Christmas for Kids Charity Tournament is a demonstration of a caring catfish community. The real winners are the kids and families that benefit from this annual event. The catfish community is known for having a collectively […]
Twisted Cat Outdoors at Keystone Lake —How They Fished
Twisted Cat Win on Keystone Goes to Chris, Kyli, and Kamber Baldwin by Ron Presley, Photos courtesy of Twisted Cat Outdoors by Tom Stolze Twisted Cat Outdoors returns to Keystone Lake in Oklahoma. Twisted Cat Outdoors (TCO) took their 13th and final tournament of the year to Oklahoma. The Saturday, October 19, 2024 event was […]
King Kat at Wheeler Lake — How They Fished
King Kat Win at Wheeler Lake Goes to Ken Luttrell and David Shipman by Ron Presley, Photos courtesy of King Kat Ken and David also claimed Big Fish honors with a monster blue that weighed an even 80 pounds. The King Kat Tournament Trail hosted its latest event on Wheeler Lake in Decatur, AL. The […]
Kings of The James 2024 —How They Fished
Kings of The James Crown Claimed by Bennett, Wright, Burruss, and Wright by Ron Presley, Photos courtesy of Kings of The James The winning team was a family of three generations of men who came together to fish the KOJ. Their 4 winning fish averaged nearly 60 pounds each. The October 18-19, 2024 Kings […]
King of Buggs Island/Kerr Lake 2024 —How They Fished
King of Buggs Goes to Cody Andrews, Josh Mullis, and Dean Matthews by Ron Presley, Photos courtesy of King of Buggs Big Fish honors at the King of Buggs event also produced a new member of the 100-pound club with a 112.41-pound blue. The October 12-13, 2023 King of Buggs Island/Kerr Lake (KOB) tournament […]
Twisted Cat Outdoors Savannah, TN—How They Fished
TCO Win Goes to Hunter Jones, Chris Stout, and Bill Dance at Savannah by Ron Presley, Photos courtesy of Twisted Cat Outdoors by Tom Stolze Bill Dance scores big fish of the tournament as he contributes to the win! Twisted Cat Outdoors (TCO) catfish tournament trail visited the Catfish Capital of the World. Savannah, TN, […]
King Kat at Smith Mountain Lake — How They Fished
King Kat Win at Smith Mountain Lake Goes to Bill and Cindy White by Ron Presley, Photos courtesy of King Kat Bill and Cindy White also claimed Big Fish honors with a nice channel cat that broke the 10-pound mark. The King Kat Tournament Trail hosted its latest event on Smith Mountain Lake. The two-day […]
Twisted Cat Outdoors New Madrid—How They Fished
TCO Win Goes to Hunter Jones and Justin Shepard by Ron Presley, Photos courtesy of Twisted Cat Outdoors by Tom Stolze Big Fish honors claimed by the winning team with a 72.43-pound beast! Twisted Cat Outdoors (TCO) catfish tournament trail visited New Madrid, MO on the Mississippi River for their latest competition. The October 05, […]
North Alabama Catfish Trail Battle of the Lakes—How They Fished
Top Honors at NACT Battle of the Lakes Go to Mike and Jackson Mitchell by Ron Presley, Photos courtesy of NACT Winners in this unique 12-hour tournament are determined after anglers compete for 6 hours on each of two lakes. The North Alabama Catfish Trail (NACT) held its Battle of the Lakes on Wilson and […]
King Kat at Clinton Lake — How They Fished
King Kat Win at Clinton Goes to Ryan Kelly and Thomas Herman by Ron Presley, Photos courtesy of King Kat Kelly and Herman also claimed Big Fish honors in a big fish bite that lasted only about an hour. The King Kat Tournament Trail hosted its latest event on Clinton Lake in Illinois. […]
Tournament Catfishing is More than Winning
Catfishing, Memories, and Friends by Ron Presley Photos submitted Tournament fishing has many benefits beyond trophies and prizes. Bree Preece has been on active duty in the Navy and stationed overseas. She had not been fishing since May 20, 2023, when she joined her dad Aaron to fish the Bink Fox Fishing for Vinton County […]
Mississippi River Monsters MegaBucs 2024 — Helena, AR
MRM MegaBucs – Helena Victory Goes to Masingale, Masingale, and Coughlin by Ron Presley Photos courtesy of MRM Masingale, Masingale, and Coughlin pulled off a repeat win in the MRM MegaBucs Series. After a successful MRM in Memphis, the MRM series of catfish tournaments moved down the Mississippi River to Helena for the 2024 […]
Twisted Cat Outdoors Burlington, IA—How They Fished
TCO Win Goes to Nathan Dahlstrom, Jesse Ryan, and Tyson Emery by Ron Presley, Photos courtesy of Twisted Cat Outdoors by Tom Stolze Big Fish honors also claimed by the winning team. Twisted Cat Outdoors (TCO) catfish tournament trail visited Burlington, Iowa on September 21, 2024. The trail was returning to Burlington after not […]
Mississippi River Monsters 2024 — How They Fished
MRM Win Goes to Chad Vice and Dustin Jones Big Fish honors and 3rd place went to the team of Delmar Wagler, Justin Arthur, and Kevin Childress. By Ron Presley Photos courtesy of MRM The 2024 Mississippi River Monsters tournament out of Memphis, TN saw plenty of Big Muddy trophy catfish come to the scales […]
Ohio Valley River Cats at Rising Sun — How They Fished
Donnie and Lonnie Fountain Top 200 Teams at Rising Sun by Ron Presley, Photos courtesy of OVRC The Big Fish Award at OVRC went to the father/daughter team of Scott and Carly Cress and Kevin Hall. In their 19th annual event, the Ohio Valley River Cats – Brought to you by G3 Boats […]
Rock Bottom River Series – A New Catfish Trail
Rock Bottom River Series Win Goes to Mike and Kassi Kuehl, and Dan Dipple by Ron Presley, Photos courtesy of Rock Bottom River Series This startup catfish tournament trail began with the idea of offering a channel cat only tournament that was run honestly and fairly. The Rock Bottom River Series is a channel cat […]
Twisted Cat Outdoors at St Joe, MO—How They Fished
TCO Win at St Joseph, MO Goes to Eddie Henney and John Berglund by Ron Presley, Photos courtesy of Twisted Cat Outdoors by Tom Stolze Big Fish honors went to John E. Orr and Kristie Orr with a 78.76-pound blue. Twisted Cat Outdoors (TCO) catfish tournament trail visited St. Joe, MO for another Missouri River […]
Twisted Cat Outdoors at Perryville MO—How They Fished
TCO Win at Perryville Goes to Justin Borgfield and John Spatafora by Ron Presley, Photos courtesy of Twisted Cat Outdoors by Tom Stolze A Big Fish of 96 pounds nailed down the win for the first-place team. Twisted Cat Outdoors (TCO) catfish tournament trail visited Perryville, MO for their most recent event. A total […]
King Kat at Grand Rivers
King Kat Win at Grand Rivers Goes to Chris Tramm and Don Elder by Ron Presley, Photos courtesy of King Kat Big Fish honors at went to Tim Doom and Tabitha Nelms at 50.11 pounds. The King Kat Tournament Trail hosted its latest event on the Cumberland River at Grand Rivers, KY. The destination is […]
King Kat at Gallipolis
King Kat Win on the Ohio River Goes to Chris Rhodes and Chris Hatfield by Ron Presley, Photos courtesy of King Kat Big Fish honors at Gallipolis went to Vanover and Tarrence at 41.26 pounds. Gallipolis, Ohio, and the Ohio River provided the background for another successful King Kat catfish tournament. Anglers fishing the event […]
Mississippi River Monsters Mega Buc$ 2024 — Vicksburg, MS
Vicksburg MRM Mega Buc$ Payout is Largest in Tournament Catfishing History by Ron Presley Photos courtesy of MRM All weights from day one were zeroed as 25 qualifying anglers began the day two competition on an even playing field. The 2024 Bill Dance Mississippi River Monsters (MRM) Mega Buc$ Pro Series Vicksburg catfish tournament was […]
King Kat at Sandusky Bay—How They Fished
King Kat Win on Sandusky Bay Goes to Graham Maxwell and Aj Castelluccio by Ron Presley, Photos courtesy of King Kat Big Fish honors also went to Team Maxwell and Castelluccio with a 24.11-pound personal best channel cat for Maxwell. Sandusky Ohio and Lake Erie provided the destination for the recent King Kat catfish tournament. […]
King Kat at Carlyle Lake—How They Fished
King Kat Win at Carlyle Lake Goes to Frank Wyciskalla and Ryan Kelly by Ron Presley, Photos courtesy of King Kat Big Fish honors also went to the team of Frank Wyciskalla and Ryan Kelly. Carlyle Lake and Carlyle Illinois were the destinations for the recent King Kat catfish tournament. The event was part of […]
Twisted Cat Outdoors at Pekin, IL—How They Fished
TCO Win at Pekin, IL Goes to Gary Faletti and Scott Tregoning by Ron Presley, Photos courtesy of Twisted Cat Outdoors by Tom Stolze Big Fish honors went to the team of Dylan Lawson and Beau Brady. Pekin, IL, and the Illinois River were the destinations for a Twisted Cat Outdoors (TCO) catfish tournament. […]
Legends Flathead Tournaments, Bristol FL—How They Fished
Florida Flathead Only Tournament Win Goes to Marc Earnest on the Apalachicola by Ron Presley, Big Fish honors and new personal best claimed by solo angler as he wins the Legends Flathead Tournaments event. For the third year in a row, Bristol Florida and the Apalachicola River was the site of a recent Legends Flathead […]
Twisted Cat Outdoors at Milford Lake, KS—How They Fished
TCO Win at Ft. Smith Goes to Dustin and Hunter Estochen with Nick Foster by Ron Presley, Photos courtesy of Twisted Cat Outdoors by Tom Stolze Big Fish honor and two new personal bests also claimed by the first-place team. Junction City, Kansas, and Milford Lake were the destinations for a Twisted Cat Outdoors […]
2024 SeaArk Boats Owner’s Invitational Catfish Tournament
Team SouthernCats Caim Win at SeaArk Owners Invitational at Decatur by Ron Presley, Tom Stolze Photos Mike Mitchell, Jackson Mitchell, and Rick Sexton dedicate tournament win to Betty Sexton. The 2024 SeaArk Boats Owner’s Invitational Catfish Tournament was held on Lake Wheeler out of Ingalls Harbor, Decatur AL where more than $100,000 in cash […]
North Alabama Catfish Trail—How They Fished
NACT Tourney Top Honors Go to Team Tackle 22 Fishing by Ron Presley, First-place and Top Lady Angler honors go to Edward Anderson and Alyssa Bell, Bell also won Top Lady Angler under the new NACT directorship of Doug Smith. The North Alabama Catfish Trail (NACT) held its 4th event of the 2024 season on […]
KingKat Event on Watts Bar – How They Fished
Bradley Lail and Brandon Masters Claim Win on Watts Bar by Ron Presley Photo Credit: King Kat An unexpected tourney entry resulted in a great day of fishing, a return to the water for one angler, and a tournament win for team Jacked Cats. The King Cat Tournament crew traveled to Kingston, TN where […]
Catfish Chasers Tournament Series Celebrates 20 Years on Milford Lake
Watts Brothers Claim Victory in Kansas Catfish Tournament by Ron Presley Photo Credit: Catfish Chasers Tournament Series Long-running catfish tournament on Milford Reservoir marks 20th anniversary. The Catfish Chasers Tournament Series hosted their 20th Anniversary Milford event on Saturday. March 23, 2024. The event attracted 42 teams on tournament day in an event that in […]
North Alabama Catfish Trail—How They Fished
NACT Tourney Top Honors Go to Team Bama Outdoor Adventures by Ron Presley First-place honors, Top Lady Angler, Top Youth Angler, and a couple of personal bests all played a part in the win for this team of family and friends. The North Alabama Catfish Trail (NACT) held its 3rd event of the 2024 season […]
Twisted Cat Outdoors at Ft Smith, Arkansas—How They Fished
TCO Win at Ft. Smith Goes to Kelby Sockey, Blaize Bray, and Quinlan Hogan by Ron Presley, Photos courtesy of Twisted Cat Outdoors by Tom Stolze Big Fish honors was also claimed by the first-place team. Fort Smith, Arkansas, was alive with excitement as TCO hosted another memorable catfish tournament. The event was part […]
The 2024 Santee Big Cat Brawl—How They Fished
Team Catastrophic Failures Take Top Spot at Santee Big Cat Brawl by Ron Presley (Photos courtesy of Kevin Larkin of Palmetto Cats and Santee Big Cat Brawl. An overwhelming weight of 144 pounds on day two lifts McCall, Durham, and Reynolds to first place at the Santee Big Cat Brawl out of Black’s Camp in […]
Coosa River Bottom Feeders Join Alabama Catfish Series at Gadsden, Alabama —How They Fished
Coosa River Win Goes to Nathan Trammell and Jonathan Batton by Ron Presley, Photos courtesy of Coosa River Bottom Feeders/Alabama Catfish Series A momentous day of catfishing leads Team Blessed Outdoors to a first-place win and Big Fish honors on Neely Henry Lake with the largest tournament bag ever recorded! The Coosa River Bottom […]
Twisted Cat Outdoors at Alton, Illinois—How They Fished
TCO Alton Classic Win Goes to Josh Weed and Marty Gerloff by Ron Presley, Photos courtesy of Twisted Cat Outdoors by Tom Stolze Second place team wins Big Fish honors while joining the 100-pound Club! Twisted Cat Outdoors (TCO) launched their 3rd tourney of 2024 at Alton, IL. The March 02, 2024, Alton Classic attracted […]
North Alabama Catfish Trail—How They Fished
NACT Tourney on Wheeler Lake – Top Honors Go To Team of Don Lawrence and Dan Treadwell by Ron Presley First-place team also claims Big Fish honors on Wheeler Lake. The North Alabama Catfish Trail (NACT) held its second event of the 2024 season on Wheeler Lake out of First Creet Boat Ramp in Rogersville, […]
Winter Whiskers 2024—How They Fished
Winter Whiskers Win Goes to Chuck Woodall, Jace Guess, and Jeremy Turnes Top weight of nearly 100 pounds comes in 2 fish and includes a new personal best! by Ron Presley Winter Whiskers 2024 launched 37 boats in cold and windy conditions under the direction of Larry Gross, Allen Mosely, and a host of volunteers. […]
Southeastern Catfish Club Opens Entire State of South Carolina to Benefit Tourney
Southeastern Catfish Club Benefit Tourney Win Captured by Capt. Hamilton Tetterton and Fisher Rogers by Ron Presley Photo credit: Southeastern Catfish Club The real victors of this statewide tournament are the Great Falls Shrine Club. The Southeastern Catfish Club held a recent catfish tourney to benefit the Great Falls Shrine Club. The unique format opened […]
The Icebowl Catfish Tournament 2024 – Bragging Rights Go To North Carolina
Cody Andrews and Dean Matthews Take Top Spot at Icebowl One catfish per team determines the winning team at the Icebowl. Aggregate state totals determine bragging rights in the Battle of the States. by Ron Presley The Icebowl catfish tournament is an annual January event at Kerr Lake (Buggs Island). The Icebowl Tournament was […]
North Alabama Catfish Trail—How They Fished
NACT Catfish Tourney on Pickwick – Top Honors Go To Husband/Wife Team of Bill and Cindy White by Ron Presley, First-place team also claims Big Fish honors and Top Lady Angler. The North Alabama Catfish Trail (NACT) kicked off the 2024 season on Pickwick Lake out of McFarland Park in Florence, AL. Even with the […]
Santee Lakes Catfish Club —How They Fished
SLCC Win Goes to David Kingsmore and Bradley Tucker by Ron Presley Photo credit: SLCC Twenty-eight teams braved the elements on Santee Cooper. They challenged high winds and cold temperatures looking for the heaviest bag of 3 catfish they could find. The Santee Lakes Catfish Club (SLCC) hosted a 3-fish catfish tournament on the […]
Southeastern Mystery Location Tournament on Wateree—How They Fished
Southeastern Catfish Club Win Captured by Benji and Lindsey Brown by Ron Presley Photo credit: Southeastern Catfish Club Weather proves to be a major challenge for anglers fishing the club’s mystery lake competition. The Southeastern Catfish Club traveled to Lake Wateree for a Mystery Lake competition. The January 6, 2024 event was the 4th […]
MRM Bama Blues on the Tennessee River at Decatur AL—How They Fished
Team SouthernCats Wins MRM Bama Blues in Alabama by Ron Presley Photos courtesy of MRM Bama Blues by Karie Hays Gibson Three generations of Mitchells team up to win Tennessee River tourney. The MRM Bama Blues kicked off an American Catfishing Association (ACA) Tournament Alliance Division 1 event in Decatur, AL. The annual holiday event […]
Twisted Cat Outdoors Launches 2024 Season on Lake of the Ozarks
Lake of the Ozarks Win Goes to Justin Claar and Aaron Sherman by Ron Presley, Photos courtesy of Twisted Cat Outdoors by Tom Stolze First place weight sets new Twisted Cat Outdoors record for Lake of the Ozarks. Twisted Cat Outdoors launched their 2024 season on Lake of the Ozarks. The December 30, 2023 season […]
Shiver on the River—How They Fished
Ricky Eiselt and Virgil Hardin Post Record Weigh-In at Shiver on the River by Ron Presley Some great tournament weights indicate an improving fishery for Ohio River anglers following regulation changes in 2015. Rod Rippin’ Catfish Trail’s Shiver on the River hosted 22 boats out of Leavenworth, Indiana on the Cannelton Pool of the Ohio […]
Blacks Camp Big Cat Shootout—How They Fished
Black’s Camp Big Cat Shootout Win Goes to Team Keatts Fishing by Ron Presley Photo credit: Black’s Camp Big Cat Shootout It could not be much closer. Less than one pound separated the 1st and 2nd place teams. The 2023 Blacks Camp Big Cat Shootout, presented by GLW Baits, returned to the Santee Cooper […]
Southeast Big Money Showdown—How They Fished
Southeast Big Money Showdown Win Goes to Trey and Gerald Smith by Ron Presley Photo credit: Southeastern Catfish Club The 2023 Southeast Big Money Showdown allowed 2 fish per day in the two-day event. It required nearly 170 pounds in 4 fish to win it. The Southeastern Catfish Club traveled to Lake Wylie, SC for […]
Welcome to the 100-Pound Club — Mikel Pugh
Mikel Pugh Joins the 100-Pound Club With a 111-Pound Blue Cat by Ron Presley What started as just another Wednesday on the Mississippi River turned into memories that will last a lifetime. It was just another day of fishing on the Mississippi River for Mikel Pugh and his friend, Dustin Hill. For Dustin it […]
Missouri River Catfish Classic – How They Fished
The Missouri River Catfish Classic Win Goes To Jeremy and Angelo Stone by Ron Presley Anglers competed in 5 different locations along a 500-mile stretch of the Missouri River in this unique tournament. The Missouri River Catfish Classic (MRCC) took place at different locations along the Missouri River where anglers competed for the same […]
King Kat Classic—How They Fished
King Kat Classic Win Goes to Warrick and Stump by Ron Presley Photo credit: King Kat The 2023 King Kat Classic allowed 3 fish per day in the two-day event. It required more than 225 pounds in 6 fish to win it. The King Kat Tournament Trail traveled to Huntsville, AL at Ditto Landing to […]
Twisted Cat Championship 2023—How They Fished
Twisted Cat Championship Win Goes to Jamison and Parks On Lake Ouachita by Ron Presley, Photos courtesy of Twisted Cat Outdoors by Tom Stolze Twisted Cat Outdoors finished their 2023 tournament series with their invitation-only Championship event on Lake Ouachita in Arkansas on Saturday, October 28, 2023. Twenty-three qualified teams fished for $35,500. Championship week […]
Personal Bests, Barbie Poles, Pink Rods, and Christmas for Kids
Catfish Tournament on Wheeler Lake Isn’t Really About Fishing by Ron Presley The Christmas for Kids Charity Tournament on Wheeler Lake is all about raising money. The real winners are the kids and families that benefit from this annual event. The catfish community is known for having a collectively warm heart and a sense of […]
Patriot Catfishing INC. Honors Supporters
Larry Muse and Ron Presley Honored by Patriot Catfishing by Ron Presley, It is the best of both worlds when you are honored for doing something that you love. As a registered 503(c) nonprofit, Patriot Catfishing, INC. continues to honor American heroes who have served and sacrificed for our nation. Providing disabled veterans an expense-free […]
Mississippi River Monsters Mega Bucs 2023 — Helena, AR
Top 4 MRM Mega Bucs Teams Split $85,000 at Helena by Ron Presley Photos courtesy of MRM The top bag of 176.59 pounds was weighed by Hunter Jones and Chris Stout. The 2023 Mississippi River Monsters Mega Bucs Pro Series tournament was held out of Helena, AR on the Mississippi River. The October 20-22, […]
King of the James 2023 —How They Fished
King of the James Crowns Go to Noah Dowis and Brandon Jackson by Ron Presley, Photos courtesy of King of the James The Big Fish title was earned by John Belverio with a 78.77-pound blue. The October 20-21, 2023 King of the James (KOJ) tournament was the 4th annual event to be held on the […]
Patriot Catfishing INC. Fall 2023 Get-Together
Funny How Things Work Out by Ron Presley, Patriot Catfishing puts veterans on the water. It’s a story of fishing, camaraderie, and gratitude. Unlikely circumstances lead to bragging rights for one angler in this story about giving back to American heroes. As a registered 503(c) nonprofit, Patriot Catfishing, INC. has been honoring those who served […]
Twisted Cat Outdoors at New Madrid —How They Fished
Twisted Cat Win at New Madrid Goes to David Shipman and Phil King by Ron Presley, Photos courtesy of Twisted Cat Outdoors by Tom Stolze Twisted Cat Outdoors ended their regular season on the Big Muddy at New Madrid, MO. Twisted Cat Outdoors (TCO) completed their regular season competition at New Madrid, MO on the […]
Twisted Cat Outdoors at Keystone Lake —How They Fished
Twisted Cat Win on Keystone Goes to Lance Lutke, Tyson Lutke, & Dominic Pellegrino by Ron Presley, Photos courtesy of Twisted Cat Outdoors by Tom Stolze Twisted Cat Outdoors makes its first trip to Oklahoma. Twisted Cat Outdoors took their tournament series to Oklahoma for the first time on Saturday, September 30, 2023. The action […]
The World Championship of Catfishing – How They Fished
The 2023 WCC Champs are Damian Clark and Michael Augenstein by Ron Presley The Runner-up spot at WCC goes to long-time competitors, Phil King and Tim Haynie. The 2023 World Championship of Catfishing (WCC) was decided in Crump Tennessee on September 23, 2023. Winning the WCC tournament is a much sought-after achievement in catfish tournament […]
King Kat at Louisiana River Parishes – How They Fished
King Kat Win Goes to Donnie Fountain, Lonnie Fountain, and Doug McAnally by Ron Presley The eventual winners reported catching more than 8,000 pounds of catfish in five days of fishing. The King Kat event at New Orleans demonstrated what the Louisiana River Parishes has to offer the catfish world. In short, it is some […]
The World’s Longest-Running Catfish Tournament
Eighty-Two-Year-Old World Championship of Catfishing Coming to Pickwick by Ron Presley Competition is the name of the game at the WCC. The 2023 World Championship of Catfishing (WCC) is coming to Crump Tennessee on September 23, 2023. The country’s longest-running catfish tournament is the pinnacle achievement in catfish tournament fishing for many anglers who compete […]
Mississippi River Monsters 2023 — How They Fished
MRM Win Goes to Team Dewitt Back-to-back win posted at Mississippi River Monsters in Memphis. The 2023 Mississippi River Monsters tournament out of Memphis, TN saw plenty of Big Muddy trophy catfish come to the scales. Spectators at the September 16, 2023 event witnessed 4624.34 pounds of catfish brought to the weigh-in stage at Bass […]
Twisted Cat Outdoors at Pekin, IL —How They Fished
Twisted Cat Win Goes to Kyle Johnson, Bobby Lee, and Zac Sharp by Ron Presley, Photos courtesy of Twisted Cat Outdoors by Tom Stolze Three of the top 6 teams were family teams. The latest stop for the Twisted Cat Outdoors Fishing Series was conducted at Pekin, IL. On Saturday, August 26, 2023. The […]
North Alabama Catfish Trail on Wilson —Beating the Heat
NACT Night Tourney Honors Go To The Father/Daughter Team of Kevin and Peyton Childress by Ron Presley First-place team includes Big Fish honors and Top Youth The North Alabama Catfish Trail (NACT) originally scheduled a Saturday tournament on August 26, 2023. Due to the excessive heat wave and the high heat indexes of late the […]
Twisted Cat Outdoors at Caruthersville, MO —How They Fished
Twisted Cat Win Goes to Andy Needham, Billy Littleton, & Bobby Littleton by Ron Presley, Photos courtesy of Twisted Cat Outdoors by Tom Stolze The winning team also claimed Big Fish honors with a 75.25-pound blue. The latest stop for the Twisted Cat Outdoors Fishing Series was Caruthersville, MO. The Saturday, August 19, 2023 […]
North Alabama Catfish Trail Battle of the Lakes —How They Fished
Battle of the Lakes Honors Go To Chuck and Jace Woodall and Michael James Clauson by Ron Presley, The first-place team included top veteran angler. The North Alabama Catfish Trail (NACT) Battle of the Lakes challenged anglers to fish two different Alabama lakes on 2 consecutive days. The Friday competition took place on Wilson Lake […]
Mississippi River Monsters Mega Buc$ 2023 — Vicksburg, MS
MRM Mega Buc$ Win Claimed by the Fountain Brothers by Ron Presley Photos courtesy of MRM They chose to fish! The 2023 Mississippi River Monsters Mega Buc$ Pro Series tournament was held out of Vicksburg, MS on the Mississippi River. The August 5-6, 2023 event attracted a field of 127 professional anglers representing 50 […]
Twisted Cat Outdoors at Muscatine, IA—How They Fished
Twisted Cat Win Goes to Jim Gillenwater and Paul McIntosh by Ron Presley, Photos courtesy of Twisted Cat Outdoors by Tom Stolze Fishing was good as 50 out of 53 teams brought fish to the scales! The Twisted Cat Outdoors Fishing Series stopped over at Muscatine, IA on Saturday, August 5, 2023, to hold a […]
Twisted Cat Outdoors at Cape Girardeau—How They Fished
Twisted Cat Win Goes to John Jamison and Kevin Parks With Nearly 150 Pounds in 3 Fish! by Ron Presley, Photos courtesy of Twisted Cat Outdoors by Tom Stolze 2nd Place and Big Fish Honors go to Chris Stout and Hunter Jones The Twisted Cat Outdoors Fishing Series returned to Cape Girardeau on Saturday, July […]
ICAST 2023
ICAST 2023 and Catfishing by Ron Presley, photos by Butch Finnigan Catfish-related companies attended the ICAST 2023 show with plans to expand their markets. The ICAST gathering is produced annually by the American Sportfishing Association (ASA). ASA is a national, non-profit trade association with members working together to promote sportfishing while driving recreational fishing […]
ICAST 2023 Announces Best of Show in 37 Categories
ICAST New Product Showcase Results in 37 Winners by Ron Presley 37 new products came out on top of the Best of Show voting at ICAST and were eligible for Overall Best of Show. The winner was the American Tackle Company with a sleek, nearly weightless custom rod component: the Tsuka 2 Complete Carbon Handle. […]
Trophy Blues on Light Tackle
Light Line Drifting for Catfish by Ron Presley Free-line drifting with 10-pound mono proves to be challenging and productive catfishing. My first light tackle blue came on a piece of fresh-cut chicken breast. I was fishing with Captain Ty Konkle on the Tennessee River near Chattanooga when I got hooked. We caught several nice blues […]
The Bink Fox Fishing For Vinton County Cancer Research Group (VCCRG) Tournament — Fishing, Fundraising, and Fun
Catfishing in Support of Cancer Research by Ron Presley Cancer research is supported because of one Ohio couple’s desire to pay it forward. Fishing for charity in the name of catfish is not uncommon. Organizing a tournament because you are a cancer survivor is less common. James “Bink” Fox with the help of […]
More Than Just A Tournament
A Father/Daughter Reunion by Ron Presley An Ohio River catfish event was much more than just a tournament for Aaron and Breanna Preece. Aaron Preece had an especially nice time at the 2nd Annual Bink Fox Fishing For Vinton County Cancer Research Group (VCCRG) Tournament. Aaron has known Bink for some time and considers him […]
Patriot Catfishing INC. — Spring 2023 Get Together
In the Name of Honor, Service, and Sacrifice by Ron Presley A bringing together of warriors by Patriot Catfishing INC. It was only five years ago when Kevin Breedlove, a veteran himself, began bringing some of the nation’s warriors to Alabama to go fishing. Kevin is a veteran with 24 years of service, he […]
Catfishing Couples
Success Breeds Success With This Catfish Couple by Ron Presley Bill and Cindy White began catfishing for the dinner table but learned to enjoy tournament catfishing after moving to Alabama. This catfish couple names Guntersville, Wheeler, Wilson, and Pickwick Lakes as their home waters. They didn’t always have such prime trophy catfish waters […]
A New Name for Bighead, Black, Grass, and Silver Asian Carp
Carp on the Dinner Table? by Ron Presley Bighead, black, grass, and silver Asian Carp are becoming known as Copi in the food industry. There are not many anglers that have not heard of Asian carp. The bighead, black, grass, and silver carp are invasive species that were imported into the United States in […]
2023 SeaArk Boats Owner’s Invitational Catfish Tournament
Kaminsky and Derhake claim SeaArk win at Decatur by Ron Presley Big Fish Honors and Top Lady Angler goes to Team Taylor The 2023 SeaArk Boats Owner’s Invitational Catfish Tournament was held on April 21, 2023. Originally scheduled for Saturday, April 22, the competition was moved up one day in the interest of angler […]
Flathead Catching Tips
10 Tips for Catching More Flatheads by Ron Presley Improve your flathead catching success with tips from other flathead anglers. Flatheads are considered to be finicky eaters but powerful fighters. Their finicky feeding habits make them a challenge to catch while their sheer power and resistance to come to the boat make them a much-desired […]
Neighborhood Whiskers
Urban Catfish for Catching and Eating by Ron Presley Source: Texas Parks and Wildlife Texas is serious about catfish. Each year the Department stocks eating-sized channels to be caught for the table. Beginning in April 2022, channel catfish big enough to catch and keep were transported to Neighborhood Fishin’ lakes and ponds in Texas. These lakes are […]
Flathead Time
Catching Spring Flatheads by Ron Presley Flathead catfish are known for their finicky bite but powerful fight. It’s no secret, catfish anglers love the early to late spring flathead bite. Generally, the time frame from April Fools Day through the end of May is prime flathead fishing time. That range can be adjusted on […]
The SLCC on the Cooper River—How They Fished
Teammate Confidence Leads Team CATTYSHACK to Cooper River Win by Ron Presley (Photos by Kevin Lakin of Palmetto Cats) Anglers were challenged by wind and choppy water at the Santee Lakes Catfish Club event on the Cooper River. […]
Lake Hartwell Hogs
Lake Hartwell Serves up Personal Best Blue Cat for Aaron Riggins by Ron Presley Lake Hartwell offers catfish anglers an excellent flathead fishery and plenty of big blues if you can get them out of the timber. Lake Hartwell is a reservoir bordering Georgia and South Carolina. It offers anglers about 56,000 acres of water […]
The Santee Big Cat Brawl—How They Fished
Team Catastrophic Failures Takes Top Spot at Santee Big Cat Brawl by Ron Presley (Photos by Kevin Larkin of Palmetto Cats) Santee Cooper showed out again at the Santee Big Cat Brawl out of Black’s Camp with the top two teams weighing more than 200 pounds. Santee Cooper Country is a big cat destination. The […]
The CatMasters At Toledo Bend—How They Fished
The CatMasters on Toledo Bend—A Transition Tournament by Ron Presley The CatMasters on Toledo Bend was the last of its kind from the CatMasters crew. They will now set their sights on a new format for catfish tournaments as they develop The CatMasters Major League Tour. They are sure to continue a tradition of improving […]
The CatMasters Major League Tour
The CatMasters Tennessee River Challenge — Live Stream Catfishing by Ron Presley The CatMasters Major League Tour Tennessee River Challenge invited several anglers to be part of an exhibition tournament to help develop and introduce this new format to catfish tournaments. Most anglers are familiar with a televised form of bass fishing that features […]
The Missouri River Catfish Classic
Catfish Tournament Features Multiple Destinations, One Payout Schedule by Ron Presley The Missouri River Catfish Classic teams up multiple catfish tournament directors to hold specific destination tournaments, all vying for the same prize. The idea for this multi-location/same-prize catfish tournament began in a conversation between two catfishing friends. Craig Norris was talking with […]
Looking Back at Cat Con 2016
A Catfish Community Gathering by Ron Presley Catfish Conference 2016 judged a total success. Author’s note: The following story is a slightly edited version of a story written in 2016 following the first-ever Catfish Conference in Kentucky. The popular event has flourished from its magnificent kickoff to a full-fledged Catfish and Crappie event visited […]
Destination Palmetto Shores RV Resort in Santee Cooper Country—It’s All About the Water
Looking for Lodging on Santee Cooper? by Ron Presley Settled quietly on the shoreline of Lake Marion, Palmetto Shores RV Resort provides visitors with clean, quality lodging, all kinds of campground extras, and a location that can’t be beaten. Most of my travels are related to fishing and over the years they have […]
The CatMasters at Decatur – How They Fished
Anthony Murphy, Brant Bullock, and Mike Thomas Take Top Spot at the CatMasters on Wheeler by Ron Presley A 5-fish weight approaches 300 pounds to take the win at Decatur, AL. The CatMasters launched 91 boats on day one of their event out of Decatur, Alabama. Anglers could opt to fish Wheeler, Wilson, or Guntersville […]
The CatMasters Day One at Decatur
Anthony Murphy, Brant Bullock, and Mike Tomas Take Top Spot at Decatur on Day One of CatMasters by Ron Presley Donnie and Lonnie Fountain hold down the runner-up spot after one day of fishing at CatMasters event. Two hundred six anglers representing 91 teams launched at various public boat ramps on Wheeler Lake to […]
Southeastern Catfish Club on Santee — How They Fished
Richard Warskow and Chris Lunsford take Southeastern Win on Santee Cooper by Ron Presley Hefner and Coggins take the runner-up spot just 3 pounds out of the lead. The Southeastern Catfish Club fished Santee Cooper in their annual tournament out of Blacks Camp and Restaurant. The 5th tournament of the 2022-2023 season was […]
KingKat Sweet Sixteen on Santee Cooper—How They Fished
Joe and Demetria Westbrook win KingKat’s Sweet Sixteen by Ron Presley A Sweet Sixteen bracket-style format resulted in 4 undefeated teams for the shootout on Championship Saturday. In a gesture to reward teams that had been loyal to their trail in 2022, KingKat conducted a bracket-style tournament out of Palmetto Shores RV Resort on […]
Cleaning Catfish for the Table
Learn More About Cleaning Catfish by Ron Presley Taking good care of your catch will pay dividends in taste and quality when they hit the table. Catfish is a popular fish for catching and eating. According to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, there are more than 7 million catfish anglers in the U.S. Many of […]
KingKat Sweet Sixteen at Palmetto Shores RV Resort in South Carolina
KingKat’s Sweet Sixteen Invitational Tournament Rewards Anglers for Loyalty to the Trail by Ron Presley Sixteen invited teams will compete on Lake Marion beginning with a Team-on-Team competition in a Sweet Sixteen bracket-style format. Sixteen catfish teams are preparing for a tournament out of Palmetto Shores RV Resort in Summerton, SC. The full-service resort is […]
The CatMasters at Possum Kingdom 2023 – How They Fished
Michael Reed, Aarron Hagen, and Dalton Mitchell Take Top Spot on Possum Kingdom by Ron Presley Coming from behind to win was the name of the game at CatMasters Possum Kingdom event. The CatMasters launched their tournament trail in February of 2017 on Possum Kingdom Lake. It has grown from that popular high payout tournament […]
First Place and Big Fish Continues the Success of Father/Daughter Catfish Team
Making Memories on the Trail Kevin Childress and his daughter Peyton Childress claim the win at the North Alabama Catfish Trail event on Pickwick Lake. The North Alabama Catfish Trail (NACT) kicked off the 2023 tournament season with an event on Pickwick Lake. The January 14th tournament attracted 21 boats to the Florence, AL area. […]
MRM Bama Blues on the Tennessee River at Decatur AL—How They Fished
Cole Bauer and Ray Waldrop Win MRM Bama Blues in Alabama Big Fish and Second Place went to Andy Thompson and Mike Sanders. by Ron Presley The MRM Bama Blues kicked off the tournament season with an American Catfishing Association (ACA) Tournament Alliance Division 1 event. The annual holiday event is highly anticipated because of […]
Bass Pro Shops Cabela’s KingKat Tournament Trail—The Best is Yet to Come
KingKat Kicks Off 2023 with Sweet Sixteen Invitational Tournament on Santee Cooper’s Lake Moultrie Sixteen invited teams will compete on Lake Moultrie beginning with a Team-on-Team competition in a Sweet Sixteen bracket-style format. by Ron Presley KingKat organizers continue their efforts to offer catfish anglers more types of competitive catfishing by presenting the Sweet Sixteen […]
The CatMaster’s Major League Tour Mystery Fish
Angler’s Last Fish of the Day Claims Big Fish Honors at The CatMasters Major League Tour on Lake Texoma by Ron Presley Shiloh Womack wins Big Fish award with 51.58-pound blue. Inclement weather put an early damper on the inaugural CatMasters Major League Tour (MLT). Anglers were faced with rain and weather that moved the […]
2022 CatMasters Major League Tour – A New Concept in Catfishing
Bryan St Ama Wins CatMasters Major League Tour at Texoma Big Fish goes to Shiloh Womack. November 26, 2022, marked the debut of The CatMasters Major League Tour on Lake Texoma. This new concept in competitive catfishing pitted solo anglers against each other for a one-day shootout. Ten catfish anglers were chosen to be a […]
Mississippi River Monsters Mega Bucs 2022 — How They Fished
Four Pro Catfish Teams Split Top Prize at Helena, Arkansas by Ron Presley With tough river and weather conditions expected for day 2, the top 4 teams chose to split the Mega Pot after one day of fishing. Each team received a check for $23,750 for their day of catfishing. The 2022 Mississippi River Monsters […]
Twisted Cat Outdoors at New Madrid—How They Fished
Mitchell, Burton, and Troutt Win Twisted Cat Outdoors at New Madrid Big Fish of the tournament weighs in at 80.70 pounds, a new personal best for the lucky anger. Fifty-three teams traveled from several states to New Madrid, MO to fish the Twisted Cat event on October 1, 2022. As an American Catfishing Association (ACA) […]
World Championship of Catfishing—How They Fished
Joseph Scott Junior and Jeff Lovelace Claim Title at World Championship of Catfishing by Ron Presley Pickwick Lake was once again the location for the 2022 World Championship of Catfishing (WCC). Savannah Tennessee carries the moniker, “The Catfish Capital of the World.” The main reason for that designation is the annual National Catfish Derby and […]
Mississippi River Monsters 2022 Big Fish
MRM 2022 Big Fish Award Went to Team Puddle Jumper—Thomas Dollens and Kelly Marietta Big Fish honors at MRM went to team Puddle Jumper and they may have had help from a lucky frog. The 2022 Mississippi River Monsters (MRM) tournament out of Memphis, showed off as usual with plenty of trophy catfish coming to […]
Mississippi River Monsters 2022 — How They Fished
MRM Win Goes to Team Dewitt Angler’s personal best wins Big Fish at Mississippi River Monsters in Memphis. The 2022 Mississippi River Monsters tournament out of Memphis, TN ended with lots of Big Muddy trophy catfish coming to the scales. Spectators at the September 17, 2022 event witnessed 4,774.20 pounds come to the stage at […]
2022 CatMasters Helena – How They Fished
Jeff, Randy, and Jonathan Dodd win CatMasters at Helena Runner-up spot goes to Team All American Catfish The 2022 CatMasters at Helena event attracted 74 catfish teams made up of 170 anglers, to Helena, Arkansas, and the Mississippi River for two days of competitive fishing in ACA Division 1. Anglers look forward to the event […]
North Alabama Catfish Trail—How They Fished
J.R., Hunter, Logan, and Randy Win North Alabama Catfish Trail on Lake Guntersville by Ron Presley It was a family affair for the winners at the recent NACT event. The North Alabama Catfish Trail (NACT) is an American Catfishing Association (ACA) affiliated Division 3 tournament. Participating anglers are eligible to compete and enjoy the challenge […]
2022 King of Tillery
The 2nd Annual King of Tillery Win Goes to Hunt and Douglas One Hundred Fifty-one boats registered to compete in the 2nd Annual King of Tillery catfish tournament. Presented by Jamie K Outdoors, the April 30th event paid out nearly $23,000 to teams traveling from all over the Southeast. Rules allowed any species of catfish […]
Birth of a California Catfishing Tournament
Wild West Whisker Chasers Looking to the Future New tournament in California hoping to attract more anglers. I don’t hear a lot about California catfishing. My first encounter with a California angler was Steve Johnson. He is a passionate catfish angler and one of the first to make the long journey from his state to […]
Community Fishing Event Kicks of 2022 Catfish Stockings in Arkansas
LITTLE ROCK — The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s Family and Community Fishing Program will kick off the 2022 catfish stocking season with a special fishing event from 9 a.m to 1 p.m. Saturday, April 2. at MacArthur Park in Little Rock. This event will be much more than a typical fishing derby. The AGFC […]
The Santee Big Cat Brawl Keeps March Tradition Alive
Two-day weight of 205.07 pounds gives Team Polebender the win at the inaugural Santee Big Cat Brawl by Ron Presley As one tournament ended, another took its place. The ever-popular Santee Cooper Monster Cat Quest held its last tournament in March of 2021. Replacing it in the same time slot in 2022 was the Santee […]
Southern All-Star Catfish Series on Neely Henry and the Coosa River – How They Fished
Cody Haynes and Cody Chambers claimed the top spot at the inaugural Southern All-Star Catfish Series. They also won Big Fish honors. by Ron Presley The Southern All-Stars Catfish Series kicked off its tournament trail on the Coosa River and Lake Neely Henry. The March 19, 2022 tournament was hosted by Greater Gadsden Area Tourism. […]
North Alabama Catfish Trail
Mike, Jackson, and Jared Mitchell Win North Alabama Catfish Trail on Wilson Lake by Ron Presley It was a family affair for the winners at the recent NACT event. Their 3-fish winning weight included a PB too. The North Alabama Catfish Trail (NACT) is an American Catfishing Association (ACA) affiliated Division 3 tournament. Participating anglers […]
Catfish Profiles in Passion – ACA Hall of Fame Inductees
Recognizing Pioneers in the Sport of Catfishing by Ron Presley The American Catfishing Association recognized seven legends in the sport of catfishing at the inaugural induction ceremony of the ACA Catfish Hall of Fame. Editor’s Note: Normally CatfishNOW’s Catfish Profiles in Passion column is dedicated to a single passionate catfish angler. In this […]
The CatMasters Points Champions
2021-22 CatMasters points championship won by Cody Forshee and Billy Elrod. A long year of competition came to an end following the 2021-22 CatMasters Classic on Lake Tawakoni. Anglers have been competing all year for the coveted points race championship and the $20,000 check that accompanies it. The points champions are determined by the highest […]
2022 CatMasters Championship – How They Fished
Al St. Cyr and Connor McPherson win CatMasters at Tawakoni. The 2022 CatMasters Championship attracted 82 catfish teams to Lake Tawakoni for a two-day ACA Division 1 tournament. The lake holds plenty of big blue catfish and this year’s event posted some very nice weights with the top 3 teams very close. The tournament is […]
Charity Tournament for you Calendar
Reelin’ for Leftie Catfish Tournament will raise funds for Children’s Mercy Hospital in KC #CATFISHCLASS Please share this charity tournament announcement. The Johnson family from Wichita, KS are stepping up again to present the Reelin’ for Leftie catfish tournament on Eldorado State Lake on May 14, 2022. The event is hosted by Tim Berger and […]
Team Cat Baby Wins 2022 Icebowl
Bill “Flathead” Sutton and Daughter, Georgia, Led NC to Braggin’ Rights Victory over VA The weather was cold and windy but that’s no reason to quit! The January 29, 2022, Icebowl Catfish Tournament on Kerr Lake (Buggs Island) lived up to its name. Anglers were faced with low temperatures and windy conditions that made it […]
Registration Info for the 2022 SeaArk Owners Invitational Catfish Tournament
The 2022 Event posted a Few Changes to the Rules and Regulations and Registration is Online Only The registration process requires all teams to submit selected information for each team member during the registration process. Read to see what you need to have ready before entering the online registration process. The SeaArk Owners Invitational […]
North Alabama Catfish Trail Debuts on Wheeler Lake
The North Alabama Catfish Trail Invites all Anglers to First Creek Boat Ramp With some Alabama catfish anglers worried about not having a tournament trail close to home, Lisa Haraway created the North Alabama Catfish Trail (NACT). Many long hours of work, many emails, and many phone calls will pay dividends this weekend as the […]
Possum Kingdom CatMasters 2022 – How They Fished
Matt Weathers and Chris Kinworthy win CatMasters at PK. Now In its fifth year, The CatMasters at Possum Kingdom (PK) attracted 85 catfish teams to Possum Kingdom Lake for a two-day ACA Division 1 tournament. The lake is admittedly not a big catfish lake and it can be a tough bite in the winter. This year’s […]
Santee Lakes Catfish Club 2022 Kickoff Tournament
Two Hundred Pound Bag Wins Santee Lakes Catfish Club Tournament Team Catastrophic Failure weighs 200.15 pounds in 3-fish limit on Moultrie. Santee Lakes Catfish Club (SLCC) kicked off its 2022 schedule with a tournament on Santee Cooper on Saturday, January 15, 2022. The two Santee Cooper lakes are Lake Marion, South Carolina’s largest lake, and […]
Bama Blues on Wheeler—How They Fished
Damian Clark and Andy Williams Win Bama Blues on Wheeler Big Fish and Second Place go to Chuck Woodall, Jace Guess, and Bobby Grider. Bama Blues kicked off the tournament season with an American Catfishing Association (ACA) Tournament Alliance Division 1 event. The tournament was originally scheduled for New Year’s day, but a threatening weather […]
New ACA Division 1 Tournament Series Announced
The Southern All-Star Catfish Series will Debut in March 2022 Filling a niche for southern catfish anglers. Led by Mark Johnson and Marty Highnote, the Southern All-Star Catfish Series will make its debut in March of 2022 on Lake Neely- Henry and the Coosa River at Coosa Landing in Gadsden AL. The series will operate […]
Coosa River Shootout—How They Fished
Georgia vs. Alabama Georgia and Alabama fought it out for catfish bragging rights on Weiss Lake. Bragging rights were on the line recently on the Coosa River at Leesburg Landing. Members of the Georgia-based Coosa River Bottom Feeders and the Alabama-based Heart of Dixie Catfish Trail fought it out on Weiss Lake to see […]
Black’s Camp Big Cat Shootout—How They Fished
Jason and Paisley Wolfe Win Shootout Father/daughter team’s winning bag sets record weight for Big Cat Shootout. Since its inception in 2017, the Black’s Camp Big Cat Shootout quickly became a tradition on the Santee Cooper lakes. Catfish anglers enthusiastically anticipate the annual event. Kevin Davis, the owner/operator of Black’s Camp, continues to bring […]
Bama Blues on Wheeler—How They Fished
Lange and Fuller Win Bama Blues The Tennessee River shows off again with numerous trophy blues in the final event of the Bama Blues Tournament Series. The final Bama Blues Tournament Series of the season for Chris and Cory Ramsey (Pipeline Tackle) took place out of First Creek Ramp on Joe Wheeler Lake at […]
2022 Lake Erie Catfish Challenge
Tournament Director Bill Ladlee Announces Tournament Schedule Local anglers agree, Lake Erie is capable of producing trophy channel cats and is a legitimate trophy channel cat destination for this bank-only tournament. The Lake Erie Catfish Challenge Tournament Series originated in the fall of 2020. Lake Erie has a growing reputation as a great destination for […]
The CatMasters at Texoma—How They Fished
Petree and Armstrong Win The CatMasters at Lake Texoma Lake Texoma gave up more than 3,450 pounds of catfish to 177 anglers. Hosted by the Tanglewood Resort, 177 anglers representing 77 teams from several different states traveled to Lake Texoma to compete in the CatMasters event. As one of the largest reservoirs in the US, […]
Virginia DWR Catfish Tracking Project
Virginia Anglers Asked to Record and Report Tagged Blue Catfish from the James or Chickahominy River DWR has started a blue catfish project in the James River system and has tagged 40 blue catfish of all sizes. These fish have been internally tagged with an acoustic tag that will track their movement throughout the river […]
New Leadership for Old Hickory Catfish Tournament
Seth Hedrick Assumes Tournament Director Duties of Winter Whiskers A fun, family-friendly, affordable catfish tournament, are goals of Winter Whiskers. With few catfish tournaments close to his home, Dalton Driver started planning a new one in 2019. His idea was to produce a quality tournament in his local area that was affordable to any catfish […]
TriState Tournament Directors 2021 Classic—How They Fished
Top Spot at Helena TriState Tournament Directors Classic to Hearn, Patterson, and Cates Anglers from Mississippi, Arkansas, and Alabama vie for bragging rights. Twenty-one teams competed in the TriState Tournament Directors 2021 Classic out of Helena River Park on November 6, 2021. The TriState Classic is the year-ending competition for Mississippi Catfish Trail, North MS […]
Charity Catfish Tournament on Wheeler Lake Raises Funds for Needy Families
Christmas for Kids Charity Tournament Win Goes to Randy Blue The real winners are the kids and families that benefit from this annual tournament. It is not unusual to find catfish stories that relate to good deeds done. The catfish community is known for having a collectively warm heart and a sense of giving that […]
The 2021 King Kat Classic—How They Fished
Blair, Nagy, and Vaughan Win King Kat Classic on the Red River Waterway Big Fish goes to Ron and Wanda Barner. The King Kat Tournament Trail closed out the 2021 season on the Red River Waterway. Catfish anglers from 14 states traveled to Natchitoches, LA for the year-ending Championship event presented by Bass Pro […]
New Catfish Trail Coming to Alabama
The North Alabama Catfish Trail Will Debut in January 2022 The new trail responds to angler worries of not having a trail close to home to compete in. Led by Lisa Gail Haraway, the North Alabama Catfish Trail (NACT) will make its debut on January 29, 2022, on Wheeler Lake out of Joe Wheeler State […]
Twisted Cat Outdoors Championship at Crystal City, MO—How They Fished
Benningfield, Eislet Win at Twisted Cat Outdoors Tourney with 133.37 in 3 Fish Winning bag includes Big Fish at 91.47 pounds, a new personal best for Benningfield. Thirty teams traveled from several states to Crystal City, MO to fish the Twisted Cat Outdoors Championship tournament. The American Catfishing Association (ACA) Tournament Alliance event is a […]
Bass Pro Shops/Cabela’s King Kat on the James River—How They Fished
Holloway and Ferretti Win King Kat Tournament on James River The first-place bag included Big Kat too. Catfish anglers from several states traveled to the James River at Richmond, VA for a King Kat Tournament Trail event presented by Bass Pro Shops Cabela’s. Richmond Region Tourism hosted twenty-one teams that gathered to test their […]
The CatMasters at Milford Lake: How They Fished
Team Wonder Boys, Jeff and Brian Wonders, Win The CatMasters at Milford Lake Milford Lake gave up more than 3,321 pounds of catfish to 207 anglers. Hosted by Geary County Convention & Visitors Bureau, 207 anglers on 93 teams from several different states traveled to Junction City, KS to compete in the Milford Lake […]
Bama Blues on Wilson – How They Fished
Russell, Caudill, and McAnally Win Bama Blues on Wilson Lake, AL First place team also bags Big Fish and Top Lady Angler awards The most recent Bama Blues Tournament Series event was held on Wilson Lake, AL. Co-Tournament Directors Chris and Cory Ramsey (Pipeline Tackle), presented the October 23rd event out of Safety Harbor Ramp. […]
BKPC Nation—Isaac Strong Charity Catfish Classic—How They Fished
Josh Brown Wins Charity Catfish Tournament Lake Guntersville produced some nice fish as it usually does, but more importantly, the Catfish Community came out to support Isaac Lanham. The BKPC Nation has a mission to promote and further fishing as therapy, recreation, and sport through conservation, education, networking, and fundraising. On Saturday October 16, 2021, […]
BKPC Inc. Nation Schedules the Isaac Strong Charity Catfish Classic
Fishing, Community, Connections! The Lake Guntersville event will benefit the family of ALL patient Isaac Lanham through competitive catfishing organized by Bank Kayak Pond Catfish Nation Inc. (BKPC Inc.). The BKPC Nation has scheduled a charity catfish tournament to benefit the family of an Oklahoma youth, Isaac Lanham. Young Isaac has been battling Pre […]
The Sport of Tournament Catfishing Advances in a Big Way
Registration sells out in less than 10 minutes. For Immediate Release: October 12, 2021——- It took less than 10 minutes to sell out a new catfish tournament event with a $2,500 entry fee per team. Yes, a catfish tournament! After just a few short weeks of announcing a new tournament event was on the horizon, […]
2021 Kanawha River Catfish Club Championship
Final Event Ends With Record Bag Father/son team of Brian and Josh Antill win the 2021 two-day Championship with a one-day record bag of 152 pounds in 4 fish. The Kanawha River Catfish Club recently held their end-of-year club fish-off. It was a two-day event where anglers could weigh 4 fish each day. On the […]
World Championship of Catfishing – How They Fished
WCC Completes 80 Years of Competitive Catfishing Phil King and Tim Haynie Repeat Win at World Championship of Catfishing Out of Savannah, TN The 2021 World Championship of Catfishing (WCC) was held on September 25, 2021, at Savannah Tennessee. The town carries the moniker, The Catfish Capital of the World. The main reason for that […]
King Kat Tournament on Missouri River at KC – How They Fished
Darrah and Stevens Win King Kat Tournament on Missouri River First Place Bag includes 92 pound Big Kat Catfish anglers from several states traveled to Kansas City, KS at the Missouri River for a King Kat Tournament Trail event presented by Bass Pro Shops Cabela’s. Seventeen teams gathered to test their catfishing skills against […]
Honoring and Giving Back Through Catfishing
Patriot Catfishing Inc. — Fall Get Together by Ron Presley Honoring those who served and sacrificed for our nation. Kevin Breedlove has been giving back to veterans for quite a while. In 2019 he had the notion to start Patriot Catfishing, Inc. Kevin is a veteran himself, with 24 years of service. He started with […]
King Kat Region 4 Championship – How They Fished
Jones and Stout Win King Kat at Cape Girardeau, MO Big Fish honors to Blair, Vaughan, and Nagy. Catfish anglers from several states traveled to Cape Girardeau, MO on the Mississippi River for a King Kat Tournament Trail event presented by Bass Pro Shops Cabela’s. Thirteen teams gathered to test their catfishing skills against top […]
Mississippi River Monsters 2021 — How They Fished
MRM Win Goes to Terry and Lisa Haraway, and Chris Saunders Big Fish competition boosts angler to the 100-pound club. The 2021Mississippi River Monsters tournament out of Memphis, TN ended with lots of trophy catfish coming from the Big Muddy to the scales. Spectators at the September 18, 2021 event witnessed 5,635.38 pounds weighed at […]
King Kat at Pekin, IL — How They Fished
Ken Luttrell and Bryan Espy Win King Kat Tournament on the Illinois River The first place bag included Big Kat at Pekin, IL Catfish anglers from several states traveled to the Illinois River at Pekin, IL for a King Kat Tournament Trail event presented by Bass Pro Shops Cabela’s. Eleven teams gathered to test […]
Tackle 22 Fishing-Making Dreams Come True
A fishing trip in recognition of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Tackle 22 Fishing is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Their objective is to bring awareness to the unacceptable national average of 22 veteran suicides each day. Their mission is pursued by offering no-cost fishing trips to honorably discharged veterans, retirees, or active duty service members. In […]
Looking Back at Mississippi River Monsters
A Photo Review of MRM Winners Big fish are always abundant at the Mississippi River Monsters (MRM) tournament out of Memphis on the Mississippi River. Rookie and seasoned anglers alike agree that MRM is one of the tournaments that they most look forward to attending. The American Catfishing Association Tournament Alliance event is scheduled for […]
North Mississippi Catfish Club, Fishing For A Cure Tournament-How They Fished
Fishing For A Cure Charity Event Win Goes to Mike Mitchell and Rick Sexton The first-place bag included Big Fish. It was a simple slogan set forth by the organizers, “Fishing for Kids,” at the 2nd Annual Fishing For A Cure charity event. Promoted by tournament director Brad Andrews and the North MS Catfish Club, […]
MDC Proposes New Rules for Blue and Flathead Catfish
Proposed Minimum Length Limit of 26 Inches for Blue Catfish and Flathead Catfish on Mark Twain Lake Public comment period in October for proposed rule changes. JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – The Missouri Conservation Commission gave initial approval during its Aug. 27 open meeting in Jefferson City to a proposed regulation by the Missouri Department of […]
Bama Blues Night Tourney on Wheeler Lake, AL – How They Fished
Fricke and Swearengin Win Bama Blues Nighttime Tourney on Wheeler Lake, AL The most recent Bama Blues Tournament Series event was held on Wheeler Lake, AL. Co-Tournament Directors Chris and Cory Ramsey (Pipeline Tackle) presented the August 28 event out of First Creek Boat Ramp near Rogersville, AL. The 3-fish tournament is part of the […]
King Kat at Truman Lake – How They Fished
Dains, Evans, Mantanya Win King Kat on Truman Lake The winning bag included Big Kat. Catfish anglers from several states traveled to Truman Lake at Clinton, MO for a King Kat Tournament Trail event presented by Bass Pro Shops Cabela’s. Seven teams gathered to test their catfishing skills against other anglers and Mother Nature. Anglers […]
The Catmasters at Helena 2021 — How They Fished
George Young Jr and Tim Spencer win The Catmasters Bag includes Big Fish at Helena-West Helena Tournament. Anglers fishing the two-day Catmasters tournament at Helena-West Helena found plenty of fish on the mighty Mississippi River. The area is well-known as a big fish destination and it did not disappoint. The 103 teams representing 240 anglers […]
The Catfish Community Shines at BKPC – Tackle22 Fishing Charity Tournament
Good People doing good things in the catfish community. by Ron Presley The BKPC Nation is a small non-profit organization with a stated mission to promote and further fishing as therapy, recreation, and sport through conservation, education, networking, and community. Joey Middleton, owner of BKPC NATION puts it simply, “We focus on helping folks within […]
Second Annual Trophy Belt Tournament Raises Funds for Hope Outdoors
Dodd and Harkness Win Charity Tournament Tournament anglers share their love of the outdoors to benefit others. Hope Outdoors is a Christian Ministry that takes individuals with special needs hunting and fishing. Tennessee River Productions staged their 2nd Annual Trophy Belt Tournament on August 14, 2021, out of Savannah, Tennessee. Proceeds from the tournament went […]
King Kat at Helena-West Helena – How They Fished
Vinson and Littleton Win King Kat at Helena Big Fish honors went to Donnie and Lonnie Fountain. Catfish anglers from several states traveled to the Mississippi River at Helena-West Helena, Arkansas for a King Kat Tournament Trail event presented by Bass Pro Shops Cabela’s. The Chamber of Commerce in Helena-West Helena and the City of […]
The Victory Chevrolet Catfish Chaser Series – Saint Joseph Missouri
Wet and stormy weather challenged anglers at the Victory Chevrolet Catfish Chasers Series in Saint Joseph, Missouri on the Missouri River. Two hundred teams, all that was allowed to register, competed in the overnight tournament that lasted for 15 hours. Anglers were vying for a 2021 Chevy Silverado Trail Boss from Victory Chevrolet. Additionally, if […]
The CatMasters at Caruthersville: How They Fished
Long, Jones, and Wilkinson Win The CatMasters at Caruthersville More than 5,350 pounds of catfish were caught by 214 anglers. Hosted by Grizzly Jigs, 214 anglers on 88 teams from 19 states kicked off The CatMasters 2021 season on the Big Muddy out of Caruthersville, MO. Day one was characterized by a hot day […]
Twisted Cat Outdoors at Cape Girardeau, MO-How They Fished
Benningfield, Cress, and Morris Take Win at Twisted Cat Outdoors Big Fish went to Bradley Monnig, Rachael Monnig & Briar Hoffman at 65.77 pounds Sixty-one teams traveled from several states to Cape Girardeau, MO to fish the Twisted Cat Outdoors tournament trail event. The Mississippi River normally produces some nice fish and it did not […]
USSA Continues Youth Program in Tennessee-Nobody Left Behind
In less than a week, two programs make catfish memories for kids. United Special Sportsman Alliance, Inc. (USSA) is an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) non-profit wish-granting charity. The organization utilizes volunteers to take critically ill and disabled children and disabled veterans on outdoor adventures. They match up well with the catfish community because of their willingness to […]
Planning for the Night Bite Results in State Record Blue Cat for Rocky Baker
A fishing trip taken for pleasure turned into the stressful experience of catching a state record blue cat and getting it certified. The North Carolina state record for blue catfish fell recently when Rocky Baker boated his monster blue from the Roanoke River in the early evening of July 10, 2021. Baker was pleasure […]
USSA Kicks off Youth Program in Tennessee
Memories were made and hearts were filled with laughter. United Special Sportsman Alliance, Inc. (USSA) is an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) non-profit wish-granting charity. The organization utilizes volunteers to take critically ill and disabled children and disabled veterans on outdoor adventures. They match up well with the catfish community because of their willingness to share. USSA recently […]
Bama Blues Night Tourney on Wilson Lake, AL – How They Fished
Team DeWhitt Claims Bama Blues Night-Time Win on Wilson Lake, AL Nooner Hall and Les Thompson score big fish too! Wilson Lake was the site of the most recent Bama Blues Tournament Series event. Co-Tournament Directors Chris and Cory Ramsey (Pipeline Tackle) presented their June 26-27, 2021 event out of Safety Harbor Wilson Lake and […]
King Kat Region 1 Championship on Wheeler – How They Fished
Team Shipman Wins King Kat Region 1 Championship on Wheeler Catfish anglers from several states traveled to Wheeler Lake at Decatur, AL for a King Kat Tournament Trail event presented by Bass Pro Shops Cabela’s. Decatur Morgan County Tourism hosted 24 teams that gathered to test their catfishing skills against other anglers and Mother Nature. […]
King Kat at Pickwick/Wilson-How They Fished
Mitchell and Sexton Win King Kat Tournament at Pickwick/Wilson Big Fish goes to Jack Leo and Luc Duffey. Catfish anglers from several states traveled to Pickwick and Wilson Lakes at Sheffield, AL for a King Kat Tournament Trail event presented by Bass Pro Shops Cabela’s. Colbert County Tourism hosted the teams that gathered to […]
King Kat on Carlyle Lake – How They Fished
Team Sasse Wins King Kat Tournament on Carlyle Lake Sasse bag includes Big Kat honors too! Catfish anglers from several states traveled to Carlyle Lake at Carlyle, IL for a King Kat Tournament Trail event presented by Bass Pro Shops Cabela’s. Clinton County Tourism hosted fourteen teams that gathered to test their catfishing skills against […]
The 2021 Catmasters at Texoma – How They Fished
Team Mega Cat takes the win at Texoma. The 2021 Catmasters at Texoma Catfish Tournament presented by SeaArk Boats and B’n’M Poles attracted 103 teams to Lake Texoma at Durant, OK. Two-hundred thirty-six anglers competed in the two-day event on January 22-23. By the end of the two days, 97 fish weighing 3,094.55 pounds had […]
Like, Like, and Arnold Win Bama Blues on Wheeler
Caleb Like, Brian Like, and Morris Arnold Team up to Win Bama Blues on Wheeler with 137 pounds in their three-fish limit. Their bag included Big Fish at 82.95 pounds. The first tournament of the season for Chris and Cory Ramsey (Pipeline Tackle) took place out of Rogersville, AL, and Joe Wheeler Lodge on Wheeler […]
American Catfishing Association Announces 4 Key Conservation Committee Members
Note: CatfishNOW is pleased to welcome the first four members of the ACA Conservation Committee. As one of the key challenges facing the catfish community, catfish conservation is the one area that all catfish anglers should be concerned with. We look forward to the work of this committee and its impact on the future of […]
Team Fountain win Bama Blues Tournament Series on Wheeler
The Bama Blues Tournament Series held their season finale on Joe Wheeler Lake in Alabama. The trail, operated by Chris and Cory Ramsey from Pipeline Tackle, offer catfishing events on both Wheeler and Wilson Lakes. Twenty-nine teams registered for the December 19, 2020 event out of First Creek Ramp. The 67,100-acre lake is created by […]
Wettest Year on Record for Tennessee Valley Authority Lakes
2020 is now officially the wettest year ever recorded in the Tennessee Valley. “The last three years have been a remarkable stretch of above-average rainfall,” said James Everett, senior manager of TVA’s River Forecast Center. “Before 2018, the previous record had stood for 45 years. Since 2018, we’ve either set a record or come close […]
RBFF Reports Fishing & Boating Rose to Historic Popularity in 2020
Editor’s Note: COVID-19 has had a substantial impact on the fishing and boating behavior of America. Part of the increased activity is likely because of opportunity, but much was due to the positive benefits of being outdoors and enjoying what Mother Nature has to offer. Hopefully, many of the new anglers will continue to fish and […]
The Catmasters win on Grand Lake goes to Franklin, May, and Banaszak
Grand Lake anglers caught plenty of fish—big ones were harder to come by. Sixty-nine teams representing 159 catfish anglers converged on Grand Lake of the Cherokees on December 11-12, 2020 for a Catmasters tournament. Plenty of fish were caught at the popular Oklahoma lake. The total weight coming to the scales was 4,157.12 pounds, The Catmasters event was presented […]
Black’s Camp Big Cat Shootout 2020
Big Cat Shootout winners, Brinkley and Goggin, produce a record weight of Arkansas blues. When Kevin Davis had the notion to produce the Big Cat Shootout, he challenged catfish anglers to go fishing and come back with their biggest fish. The result is a big fish, big pot payout. Santee Cooper always comes through […]
Boat Production Forecast Improves
Editor’s Note: I have heard many reports in 2020 about anglers waiting on their new boats to be delivered. When COVID-19 hit, it limited production lines severely. It is good to see this encouraging report that indicates boat building production will be up in 2021. In the latest Forecast on U.S. Boat Building Production from ITR […]
Team Horton Wins King Kat Tournament on Milford Lake
Catfish anglers from fifteen states traveled to Milford Lake at Milford, KS for the King Kat Tournament Trail Classic presented by Bass Pro Shops/Cabela’s. Sixty-two teams gathered to test their catfishing skills against other anglers and Mother Nature. Anglers had fished throughout the year to qualify for the championship event. The Classic featured a guaranteed […]
Bama Blues on Pickwick, Wilson, Wheeler, and Guntersville Goes to Team Salt and Pepper
Adam Michael Wright and Secody Howard pick up the win on Wheeler Bama Blues Catfish trail staged their 6th event of the season as the Battle of Lakes Pickwick, Wilson, Wheeler, and Guntersville. Anglers could choose any of the 4 lakes to fish but had to return to Ingalls Harbor in Decatur, AL for the […]
Twisted Cat Outdoors Points Race Shared by Jake Derhake and Anthony Kulis
An extremely tight AOY competition was not decided until the TCO Championship Twisted Cat Outdoors (TCO) recently completed their invitation-only championship on Lake of the Ozarks. Not only did they crown the 2020 Champs (Joe Bell and David Burts) they also named and honored the winner(s) of the points race which came down to the […]
Possum Kingdom CatMasters 2020 – How They Fished
Chris and Kyli Baldwin take CatMasters at PK for the second time. In its fourth year, The CatMasters at Possum Kingdom remains one of the highest paying catfish events in the nation. Admittedly not a big catfish lake, but the winner will take home a check for $30,000. This year’s event attracted nearly 130 catfish […]
Twisted Cat Outdoors’ Championship goes to Bell and Burts
Invited anglers fishing the 2020 Twisted Cat Outdoors Championship were greeted with high winds and rough water on Lake of the Ozarks, MO. The Championship was by invitation only. Anglers had to be among the top 50 anglers for the season, based on their top 5 2020 events, or be a first-place or big fish […]
Twisted Cat Outdoors Holds Invitation Only Championship at Robin’s Resort on Lake of the Ozarks
$10,000 Points Race will also be determined. The Twisted Cat Outdoors 2020 Championship will be held on Lake of the Ozarks, MO. The Championship is a no entry fee, $10,000 payout event plus prizes from the trail’s sponsors. As it turned out, the $10,000 points race has come down to the final event. With […]
Palmer and Burgett Win King Kat Tournament on Milford Lake
Big Fish goes to Stoller and Bruna. Catfish anglers from nine states traveled to Lake Milford at Milford, KS for a King Kat Tournament Trail event presented by Bass Pro Shops Cabela’s. Thirty-eight teams gathered to test their catfishing skills against other anglers and Mother Nature. Anglers fishing the October 10, 2020 event were vying […]
Team Masingale Takes Win at Twisted Cat Outdoors Tourney
Anglers reported a late bite due to cold front and full moon. Fifty-three teams made up of 123 anglers from 10 states traveled to New Madrid, MO to fish the last event of the season for the Twisted Cat Outdoors tournament trail. This is a popular destination for catfish anglers because the Mississippi River normally […]
Georgia Angler Wins Senior Award at WCC
John Tinsley may have been the only one around that was older than the tournament. Savannah Tennessee carries the moniker, “The Catfish Capital of the World.” The main reason for that designation is the annual National Catfish Derby and World Championship of Catfishing that has taken place there along the Tennessee River for 79 years. […]
Good Karma Carries Team Road Warriors to Top Spot at Bama Blues on Wilson
Good Karma Carries Team Road Warriors to Top Spot at Bama Blues on Wilson Cad Daly, Tyler Dobbs, and Brett Hubbard had never met until they fish Bama Blues’ first daytime tournament. Bama Blues Catfish Trail holds events on Wheeler and Wilson Lake in Alabama. The September 26, 2020 event on Wilson Lake was their […]
WCC Win Goes To Corinth, MS Anglers
Phil King and Tim Hanie win 79-Year-Old World Championship of Catfishing The 2020 World Championship of Catfishing (WCC) was held on September 26, 2020, at Savannah Tennessee. The town carries the moniker, The Catfish Capital of the World. The main reason for that designation is the annual National Catfish Derby and World Championship of Catfishing […]
B’n’M Poles Team Takes Top Spot at Mississippi River Monsters
A hot bite put fish in the boat early for Boat # 57. Big fish were abundant at the 2020 Mississippi River Monsters tournament out of Memphis. Rookie and seasoned anglers alike agreed—it was a good day to be fishing the Mississippi River. One-hundred and three boats from 17 different states fished the popular event. […]
Kansas Catwoman Catches Biggest Fish at Mississippi River Monsters Tournament
Her once-in-a-lifetime fish came while fishing with her mentor. Melissa Redger (Missi Duerksen) runs a single-parent household. Nevertheless, she has a passion for catfishing. That passion was evident when she joined Joe Stringer (Stringer Guide Service) on the Mississippi River near Memphis TN to fish the Mississippi River Monsters catfish tournament. To her surprise and […]
Rising Sun Catfish Tournament win goes to Petrowski, Petrowski, and Neafus
With 191 teams competing, only one pound separated the first and second place teams. The Ohio River Cats hosted a record-breaking event at their 15th annual catfish tournament in Rising Sun, Indiana. The two-day tournament began on Friday, September 11th with registration and ended with fishing on Saturday and Sunday with more than $50,000 up […]
Petrowski, Petrowski, and Neafus Lead After Day One at Rising Sun Catfish Tournament
The top three teams after day one break the 100-pound mark. Big fish is 51.99 pounds. The Ohio Valley River Cats launched 191 boats in the 15th Annual Rising Sun Catfish Tournament on the Ohio River in Rising Sun, Indiana. The two-day event will distribute more than with more than $50,000 to participating teams. The […]
Catfish Tournament Will Raise Funds for Children’s Mercy Hospital and Brachial Plexus Awareness
Reelin’ for Leftie-Catfish and Cornhole Tournament For the past few years, the Johnson family from Wichita, KS has been putting on a fundraiser or volunteer project in October during Brachial Plexus Awareness Week. In 2016 their son Luke suffered a brachial plexus injury at birth. This injury results in paralysis of a nerve. For Luke, […]
Wheatley and Beavin Win Charity Tourney on Ohio River
The event raised $13,450. The catfish community came together on Saturday, August 29 2020 to fish for fun while benefiting a worthwhile cause. The Bryce and Kinley Tormoehlen Cancer Benefit Tournament was staged by the Poor Boy Catfish Tournament Trail. New friends and old shared tears and laughter as 58 teams gathered at the Angel […]
Kracht and Delrosso Win King Kat Tournament on Tuttle Creek
The local team also claimed Big Kat Honors. Catfish anglers from four states traveled to Tuttle Creek Lake at Manhattan, KS for a King Kat Tournament Trail event presented by Bass Pro Shops Cabela’s. Twenty-one teams gathered to test their catfishing skills against other anglers and Mother Nature. Anglers fishing the August 29, 2020 event […]
Kids Fish Virtual Derby
Urban American Outdoors TV (UAOTV) and SODAS Life will host a National Urban Kids Fish Virtual Derby. As more events become virtual, here’s an interesting event that creates the possibility of a family fun fishing adventure anywhere in the country. The national fishing event will be held from Saturday, August 29, 2020, to Saturday, September 5, 2020. A free […]
Tutorow and Han win The Catmasters
Tutorow and Han win The Catmasters at Helena Beautiful Weather and Lots of Fish Characterized the Tournament Plenty of nice fish were caught at Helena, AR on the Mighty Mississippi in The Catmasters event presented by SeaArk Boats. SeaArk Territory Sales Manager Jeremy Coe emceed the event that attracted eighty-four teams from 16 states. This […]
Final Results – King Kat Tournament at Old Hickory Lake
Team Bodine Wins King Kat Tournament on Old Hickory Big Fish goes to Craig Shirey and James Wesney Catfish anglers from five states traveled to Old Hickory Lake at Gallatin, TN for a King Kat Tournament Trail event presented by Bass Pro Shops Cabela’s. Thirteen teams gathered to test their catfishing skills against other anglers […]
Kopp, Sasse, and Sasse Win King Kat Tournament on Carlyle Lake
Catfish anglers from six states traveled to Carlyle Lake, IL for a King Kat Tournament Trail event presented by Bass Pro Shops Cabela’s. Twenty-one teams gathered to test their catfishing skills against other anglers and Mother Nature. Anglers fishing the August 15, 2020 event were vying for $ 4,920 in cash and prizes, and an […]
Masingale Brothers with Matt Bingham win The Catmasters at Caruthersville
Hot Weather and a Slow Bite Characterized the Tournament on the Mississippi River The weather was hot and the bite was tough at Caruthersville, MO on the Mighty Mississippi. Seventy-six teams from 16 states hit the water to compete in the season opener for The Catmasters 2020 season presented by SeaArk Boats. This event began […]
Review: 300+ Crappie Fishing Tips featuring Travis & Charles Bunting by Tim Huffman
I needed this book when I first started crappie fishing. The learning curve would have been so much shorter. Huffman offers chapter after chapter of well written effective tips for crappie anglers of all levels. Huffman is a long-time student of crappie fishing. He has honed his skills as a crappie angler and as an […]
Planning, Preparation, Perseverance & Patience
Practicing the Four P’s of fishing on Wilson Lake by Hugh Thompson Luck is always a factor in catfishing success. Skill is also a factor. Over the past year, a good friend and great angler, Carson Pierce convinced me that it was not my fishing skills that were lacking. It was the “Four P’s” of […]
Poor Boy’s Catfish Tournament Trail holds Charity Event
The Bryce and Kinley Tormoehlen Cancer Benefit Tournament The Tormoehlen Family Story On Friday, April 28th, 2017 Katie Tormoehlen started her day like any other. She fed, dressed, and got the family ready for the day. Then while changing her 11-month-old daughter Kinley’s diaper she noticed blood clots. She called the doctor and made an […]
Rhodes and Hatfield win Cabela’s King Kat Tournament at Gallipolis, OH
Fishing was on the Ohio and Kanawha Rivers. Catfish anglers from four states traveled to the Ohio and Kanawha Rivers at Gallipolis, OH for a King Kat Tournament Trail event presented by Bass Pro Shops Cabela’s. Thirty-five teams gathered at Gallipolis to test their catfishing skills against other anglers and Mother Nature. Anglers fishing the […]
Cypher and Duplantis win Cabela’s King Kat Tournament on Lake Wateree
Runner up spot goes to Shirey and Wesney. Catfish anglers from seven states traveled to Lake Wateree for a King Kat Tournament Trail event presented by Bass Pro Shops Cabela’s. Sixteen teams gathered at Camden, SC to test their catfishing skills against other anglers and Mother Nature. Anglers fishing the May 30, 2020 event were […]
Page, Page, and Summer win Cabela’s King Kat on Lake Wiley
Hot and humid weigh-in sees 100-pound mark broken. Catfish anglers from six states traveled to Lake Wiley for a King Kat Tournament Trail event presented by Bass Pro Shops Cabela’s. Fifteen teams gathered at Belmont, NC to test their catfishing skills against other anglers and Mother Nature. Anglers fishing the June 6, 2020 event were […]
ASA Reveals Plans for ICAST 2020 Online
ICAST Online will virtually connect the sportfishing industry this July 13 – 17 Alexandria, VA – May 29, 2020 – ICAST, the world’s largest recreational fishing trade show, has transitioned from a physical show to a virtual event with ICAST 2020 Online. The American Sportfishing Association (ASA), the show’s producer, is committed to delivering attendees and exhibitors alike […]
King Kat Trail Operates Under New Guidelines
King Kat Tournament Trail Guidelines During COVID-19 Pandemic After being shut down by the coronavirus, the Bass Pro Shops Cabela’s King Kat Trail got underway again on May 17th at Clinton, MO on Truman Lake. They operated under the following guidelines and plan to do so for the remainder of the season. Social distancing must […]
Lance and Chase Nolan, and Logan Lindsey win King Kat on Truman Lake
[pl_row] [pl_col col=12] [pl_text] Catfish anglers from two states traveled to Truman Lake for a King Kat Tournament Trail event presented by Bass Pro Shops Cabela’s. Twelve boats gathered at Clinton, MO to test their catfishing skills against other anglers and Mother Nature. It was the first tournament in a couple of months since the […]
Bottom Bouncing with George Young
Most catfish anglers have their favorite way to fish for trophy cats. For B’n’M pro staff angler George Young Jr. (Mississippi River Monsters) it is a method referred to as bumping. It is an active method of fishing where the angler always has the rod and reel in his hands and he controls the placement […]
Smith, Anderson, and Higginbottom win Cabela’s King Kat on Wheeler
Big fish were abundant at the catfish tournament at Decatur, AL Catfish anglers from 14 states traveled to Wheeler Lake for a King Kat Tournament Trail event presented by Bass Pro Shops Cabela’s. Forty teams gathered at Decatur, AL to test their catfishing skills against other anglers and Mother Nature. Anglers fishing the March 14, […]
Casey and Lowman win Cabela’s King Kat Tournament on Lake Tawakoni
The Big Kat of the tournament weighed 67.80 pounds. Catfish anglers from several states traveled to Lake Tawakoni for a King Kat Tournament Trail event presented by Bass Pro Shops Cabela’s. Twenty-seven teams gathered at West Tawakoni, TX to test their catfishing skills against other anglers and Mother Nature. Anglers fishing the March 7, 2020 […]
Editor’s Note: Well known for their support of the catfish community, SeaArk Boats has been recognized for their support of their local community. Congratulations on a job well done. Read the story here. Chamber of Commerce selects SeaArk boats for its community centered efforts MONTICELLO, AR (February 28, 2020) – Last night, SeaArk Boats […]
Jones and Brown win Cabela’s King Kat Tournament on Lake Ray Hubbard
Huge weight wins at Garland, TX. Three-tenths of a pound separated first and second place. Catfish anglers from several states traveled to Lake Ray Hubbard for a King Kat Tournament Trail Super Event presented by Bass Pro Shops Cabela’s. Sixteen teams gathered at Garland, TX to test their catfishing skills against other anglers and Mother […]
King Kat on Santee – How They Fished
The first King Kat tournament of the year highlighted the big fish destination of Santee Cooper Country. Catfish anglers from nine states traveled to Santee Cooper for a King Kat Tournament Trail event presented by Bass Pro Shops Cabela’s. Forty-eight teams gathered at Black’s Camp and Restaurant as for the kick-off event of the 2020 […]
The 2020 Catmasters at Texoma – How They Fished
First Place winners, Holmes, Holmes, and Cline are shown here with Steve Henderson, president of SeaArk Boats. Holmes, Holmes, and Cline take $40,000 win at Texoma The largest payout in tournament catfishing history was made at the Catmasters Texoma Catfish Tournament presented by SeaArk Boats and B’n’M Poles on January 25, 2020. The event was […]
The Icebowl Catfish Tournament 2020 – How They Fished
One catfish per team determines the winner at the Icebowl. The Icebowl catfish tournament is an annual January event at Kerr Lake (Buggs Island). Icebowl was created as a challenge event between catfish anglers from North Carolina and Virginia. The state accumulating the most total pounds earns bragging rights for the next year. Since its […]
On the Road to the Catmasters at Lake Texoma
It’s gonna’ be a long week but a good week. The CatMasters Lake Texoma, presented by SeaArk Boats, kicks into gear this week. More than 200 teams are either already there, on the road, or thinking about getting on the road for the main event that will be this weekend, January 24 and 25. I […]
Black’s Camp Big Cat Shootout 2019 on Santee Cooper
How They Fished When Kevin Davis had the notion to produce the Big Cat Shootout, he wanted to challenge catfish anglers to show him their biggest fish. He developed a tournament format aimed at big fish and a big payout. Teams pay $500 each to fish knowing that 100 percent of the entry fees will […]
Toy Rod Catfish Challenge on the St. Johns River, FL
Catfishing fun for charity. After two years of weather-related cancellations, the Toy Rod Catfish Challenge is scheduled for November 30, 2019. The brainchild of Tammy Wilson and her co-director Capt. Tom Van Horn, this catfish tournament is put on to help needy children enjoy a merrier Christmas. How to Enter The requirements for entry are […]
CFV Catfish Tournament Raises Money for Veterans
Some for the anglers and some for the vets. Catfish For Veterans (CFV) is a charity cat-fishing tournament to raise money for the Spring Street Veterans Renaissance (veterans shelter) in Springfield, IL. The 2020 tournament will be the 5th year at CFV has contributed to this worthy cause. The tournament has grown from 28 teams […]
Black’s Camp Big Cat Shootout 2019 on Santee Cooper
Big Fish and Big Payout rule the day. The December 13th and 14th 2019 Black’s Camp Big Cat Shootout features a two catfish per boat weigh-in. South Carolina rules allow one blue cat over 36 inches per day, per person, so both catfish can be over 36 inches each day. Davis describes the Shootout […]
Possum Kingdom Catmasters 2019 – How They Fished
In only its third year, the Possum Kingdom Catmasters (PKC) Catfish Tournament is the highest paying catfish event in the nation. This year’s event was capped at 200 entries and sold out seven months before the tournament. Catfish teams from all over the nation traveled to Possum Kingdom Lake to participate in the two-day tournament. […]
Team Sylvester wins Cabela’s King Kat Tournament on Ohio River
Will and Russell Sylvester claim victory at Huntington, WV. Catfish anglers from seven states traveled to Huntington, WV and the Ohio River for a King Kat Tournament Trail event presented by Bass Pro Shops Cabela’s. Thirty-four teams gathered at Huntington to test their catfishing skills against other anglers and Mother Nature. The King Kat tournament […]
Catfish Anglers Converge on Possum Kingdom in Search of $30,000 Top Prize
In only its third year, the Possum Kingdom Catmasters (PKC) Catfish Tournament is the highest paying catfish event in the nation. This year’s event was capped at 200 entries and has been sold out for months. Catfish teams from all over the nation are traveling to Possum Kingdom Lake to participate in the two-day tournament. […]
Monsters on the Ohio 2019 – How they Fished
MOTO—Ten Years and Counting by Ron Presley Photo Credits: Shannelle Everman Kline Aaron Wheatley has been presenting Monsters on the Ohio (MOTO) since 2010. This year’s event marked Wheatley’s tenth year of providing the catfish community with a popular catch and release tournament with an emphasis on fish handling and care. The tournament day festivities […]
Mississippi River Monsters 2019
Mississippi River Monsters (MRM) 2019 attracted 125 catfish teams from 20 different states to fish the Big Muddy out of Memphis. When the scales closed on Saturday evening September 19th, 217 catfish weighing 3,940 pounds had been checked by TWRA officials and returned to the river. Amongst the 293 anglers, 31 were veterans competing for […]
Jones and Moses win Cabela’s King Kat Tournament at Caruthersville, MO
Hunter Jones and Tyler Moses caught their big fish early to lead the way to the win on the Mighty Mississippi. Catfish anglers from thirteen states traveled to the Mississippi River for a King Kat Tournament Trail even presented by Bass Pro Shops Cabela’s. Nineteen teams gathered at Caruthersville, MO to test their catfishing skills […]
WV Anglers Wimmer and Hubbard win King Kat on Wateree
Inclement weather may have made the catfishing better at Camden, SC. Catfish anglers from eight states traveled to Lake Wateree for a King Kat Tournament Trail presented by Bass Pro Shops Cabela’s. Twenty-six teams gathered at Camden, SC to test their catfishing skills against other anglers and Mother Nature. As is often the case, […]
Chris and Mike Grose win Cabela’s King Kat Tournament on the Ohio River
An early bite led Team Grose to top honors at Jeffersonville, IN. Catfish anglers from eight states traveled to the Ohio River for a King Kat Tournament Trail Super Event presented by Bass Pro Shops Cabela’s. Fifteen teams gathered at Jeffersonville, IN to test their catfishing skills against other anglers and Mother Nature. Competitors were […]
Dale Kerns and Greg Edward win King Kat at Grand Rivers, KY
123.04 pounds claim top honors on the Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers. Catfish anglers from eight states traveled to Grand Rivers, KY to the Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers for a King Kat Tournament Trail event presented by Bass Pro Shops Cabela’s. Thirteen teams gathered at Grand Rivers to test their catfishing skills against other anglers and […]
Team Kerns wins Rising Sun Catfish Tournament
The Ohio River Cats hosted a record-breaking event at 14th annual catfish tournament. The fish were biting and the weather was great for the 14th Annual Rising Sun Catfish Tournament. The Ohio Valley River Cats presented the Sept. 7-8 event in Rising Sun, IN. Always a popular tournament, 2019 was better than ever. When the […]
Rising Sun Catfish Tournament—2019
The Ohio Valley River Cats will present the 14th annual Rising Sun Catfish Tournament on Sept. 7 & 8 More than 14 years ago Frank McIntosh had a wild idea that a big catfish tournament could happen in Rising Sun, Indiana. He reasoned, that If the money was right, people would come like they do […]
Brooks and Raines win Cabela’s King Kat Tournament on the Big Muddy
Big fish was the name of the game at Helena-West Helena, AR Catfish anglers from 12 states traveled to the Mississippi River at Helena-West Helena, AR for a King Kat Tournament Trail event presented by Bass Pro Shops Cabela’s. Twenty-four teams gathered to test their catfishing skills against other anglers and Mother Nature. The top […]
Bennett and Rudecki win King Kat Tournament at Dixon, IL
Anglers were challenged by a rapidly falling Rock River. Catfish anglers from several states traveled to the Rock River for a King Kat Tournament Trail event presented by Bass Pro Shops Cabela’s. Thirty-six teams gathered at Dixon, IL to test their catfishing skills against other anglers and Mother Nature. Competitors were vying for $10,025.00 in […]
Godwin joins SeaArk Boats Pro Staff Team
Editor’s Note: Godwin is known for his role in the Duck Commanders enterprise and also for his crappie fishing. I know for a fact that he has also caught the catfish fever. A little bottom bumping on the Mississippi River with Bill Dance and George Young instilled a yearning for catfishing too. In reality, he […]
Twisted Cat Outdoors Tournament Announcement at New Madrid Brings Back Memories
The Twisted Cat Outdoors tournament at New Madrid will be a big cat tournament. by Ron Presley The first Mississippi River catfish tournament I ever covered was the 2014 Bass Pro Shops Big Cat Quest at New Madrid, MO. Just being introduced to the Mississippi River was awesome and exciting, but everything that went along […]
Beamon and Staples win Cabela’s King Kat Tournament on Carlyle Lake
Channel cats dominate but flathead wins Big Kat honors at Carlyle, IL. Catfish anglers from several states traveled to Carlyle Lake for a King Kat Tournament Trail event presented by Bass Pro Shops Cabela’s. Thirty-six teams gathered at Carlyle, IL to test their catfishing skills against other anglers and Mother Nature. Carlyle Lake is known […]
Edwards and Kerns win Cabela’s King Kat at Tell City, IN
Ohio River anglers were challenged by a full moon and high pressure Louisville, KY – May 19, 2019 – Catfish anglers from nine states traveled to Tell City, IN on the Ohio River for a King Kat Tournament Trail event presented by Bass Pro Shops Cabela’s. Thirty-four teams gathered at Tell City to test their […]
M&J Catfish
by Ron Presley Chattahoochee River tournament is open to the public and features a 100 percent payback. With their sights set on South Georgia, South Alabama and North Florida, M&J Catfish Wars has shown steady growth in their short existence. It all began when avid catfish anglers Marty Highnote and Joe Belcher, decided to organize […]
Catfish Weekly’s Team RigRap Claims Chick Fight Victory
by Ron Presley Making memories while making history. Organizers of Chick Fight, the first all lady catfish tournament, chose Wheeler Lake in Alabama for the inaugural event. Wheeler Lake was a good choice because it is a bucket list destination for most catfish anglers because of the huge catfish it offers. “Everyone wants to […]
Mitchell, Mitchell, and Sexton win Cabela’s King Kat Tournament on Watts Bar
Catfish anglers from eleven states traveled to Loudon, TN on the Tennessee River (Watts Bar Lake) for a King Kat Tournament Trail Super Event presented by Bass Pro Shops Cabela’s. Fifty-four teams gathered to test their catfishing skills against other anglers and Mother Nature. Competitors were vying for $16,000 in cash and prizes, and an […]
Faulkenbury and Holler win Cabela’s King Kat Tournament on Wateree
Moving to find bigger fish was a winning strategy at Camden, SC. Catfish anglers from seven states traveled to Camden, SC and Lake Wateree for a King Kat Tournament Trail event presented by Bass Pro Shops Cabela’s. Thirty-seven teams gathered to test their catfishing skills against other anglers and Mother Nature. Competitors were vying for […]
Meet Team CatfishNOW
Brandy Brooks and Brandi Livingston have teamed up to fish the inaugural Chick Fight tournament on April 6, 2019, in North Alabama as Team Catfish Now. Dawn Hammond Bungay joins Brandy and Brandi as the third tournament partner. These three ladies will put their skills to the test in support of the sport of catfishing […]
Herne and Crowder claim win at Pickwick
The West Tennessee Catfish Anglers just completed their second tournament of the year. The March 30, 2019 event saw eight boats participating. The tournament was staged on Pickwick at the historic Botel at Savannah, TN. Air temperatures were in the mid 60’s with the water temp ranging from 56 to 59 degrees. Winds were at […]
LOS ANGELES – MacArthur Park, a City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks facility, located at 2230 W 160th, Los Angeles, CA 90057, will host a youth fishing derby on Saturday, May 4th, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 pm. This activity is designed to give boys and girls, 15 and younger, who live in […]
Inaugural King of the James win goes to Davis and Carden
The inaugural King of the James Catfish Tournament (KOJ) kicked off on Saturday, March 23 out of Hopewell Marina in Hopewell, Virginia. There were 296 anglers competing, some on two-person teams and some on three-person teams. The KOJ started with a challenge and met other challenges along the way to its successful launch. It’s opening […]
Shriver and Alexander win Fishing Blues Catfish Tournament on Ellsworth
The most recent Fishin’ Blues tournament was held on March 23rd and 24th out of Ralph’s Resort, Elgin, OK. Anglers had to be back at the weigh-in by 4:00 pm on Saturday and 3:00 pm on Sunday. The tournament featured boat and bank fishing and paid the top 3 places and big fish. First Place […]
Robertson and Hall win HOLD’em HOOK Catfish Trail event
Eighteen teams gathered at Safety Harbor on Saturday, March 23 to fish a HOLD’em HOOK Catfish Trail event. The weather was good, cool in the morning and warm during the day. The winds were fairly calm and the current was reported by some to be “perfect.” Jared Robertson and J.R. Hall carried the day and […]
Bluegrass Catfish Bash win goes to Mitchell, Mitchell, and Sexton
The Bluegrass Catfish Bash was co-directed by Matt “Catmatt” Jones and Michelle Mock Jones. The March 23, 2019 event was staged out of the Lynnhurst Family Resort in Murray, Kentucky. In addition to a great catfish tournament, the event featured a Kayak Division and a Kid’s Derby on Saturday morning. It requires the help of […]
Fish of a Lifetime Comes in King Kat Tourney on Wheeler
Big Kat at King Kat pushes 115 pounds Carl Morris Jr. and Rob Parsons crushed the King Kat record for biggest fish ever weighed at a King Kat event. The huge 114.96-pound Wheeler Lake, Alabama beast quickly became the talk of social media and the accomplishment was shared worldwide. Morris, from Johnstown, OH, and Parsons, […]
Top Finishing SeaArk Boats at Santee Cooper Monster Cat Quest
In their continuing support of tournament catfishing, SeaArk boats paid three bonuses at the 2019 Santee Cooper Monster Cat Quest held out of Black’s Camp in SC. Chris and Mandy Gaines attracted 177 boats to the popular Santee Cooper Lakes and many of those teams fished from SeaArk boats, giving them a chance to earn […]
Big Fish Winners at 2019 Santee Cooper Monster Cat Quest
Big fish are expected at Santee Cooper and anglers were not let down at the 2019 Santee Cooper Monster Cat Quest. The event scheduled out of Black’s Camp and Restaurant attracted 177 teams, all hoping to catch a monster. This year’s event featured pre-tournament tournaments on Wednesday and Thursday preceding the main event. Each was […]
Total weight of 227.40 lifts Brookshire, McDaniel and Griggs to win at Santee Cooper Monster Cat Quest 2019
The highly anticipated Santee Cooper Monster Cat Quest 2019 shined brightly in its third year of operation. Two pre-tournament tournaments added to the competition and had some great fish coming to the scales. Wednesday’s pre-tournament tournament was held out of Hill’s Landing and Thursday’s pre-tournament tournament was held at Canal Lakes. The big fish weighed […]
Team Neece/ Jamison win Cabela’s King Kat Tournament on Tawakoni
The first-place total weight included Big Kat of the tournament at 72.44 pounds. Catfish anglers from eight states traveled to Lake Tawakoni, TX for a King Kat Tournament Trail presented by Bass Pro Shops Cabela’s event. Thirty-eight teams were hosted by the cities of West Tawakoni and Emory, TX to test their catfishing skills against […]
Catfish Conference 2019 Follow Up
Where catfish anglers seek products and camaraderie. Catfish Conference has been a hit among catfish anglers from its inception. The conference’s small beginning in Versailles, KY was not really that small in terms of expectations and reality. The organizers didn’t really know what to expect. The results were overwhelming and the event continues to grow […]
Mitchell and Sexton earn 2019 Fishlife National Championship of Catfishing Title
Rogersville, AL lies between Athens, AL on the east and Florence, AL on the west. It is in the heart of big catfish country. Rogersville served as the location of the captains meeting for the 2019 Fishlife National Championship of Catfishing. All the boats launched from the ramp at Joe Wheeler State Park. An overcast […]
Hughes and Jones win King Kat Tournament on Santee Cooper
The first tournament of the year for King Kat proved once again what a big fish destination Santee Cooper is. Catfish anglers from twelve states traveled to Santee Cooper Lakes to fish the King Kat Tournament Trail presented by Bass Pro Shops Cabela’s season opener. Sixty-four teams gathered at Black’s Camp and Restaurant in Cross, […]
King Kat Tournament Trail Kicks off on Santee Cooper
Big blue cats are the most likely target for a winning bag Catfish anglers from several states will travel to the Santee Cooper Lakes at Cross, SC to kick off the 2019 King Kat Tournament Trail presented by Bass Pro Shops Cabela’s. Local and traveling anglers will be vying for cash, prizes, and an opportunity […]
King Kat Tournament Trail Travels to Decatur, Alabama
Big Wheeler Lake catfish are sure to be plentiful. Louisville, KY – January 22, 2019 – Catfish anglers from several states will travel to Wheeler Lake at Decatur, AL for a King Kat Tournament Trail event presented by Bass Pro Shops Cabela’s. Local and traveling anglers will be vying for cash, prizes, and an opportunity […]
Boecker, Combs, and McNeil win Winter Blues on Wheeler
Cold, windy, and wet weather characterized prefishing for Winter Blues on Wheeler presented by SeaArk Boats. The Decatur, AL event was staged out of Ingalls Harbor on the banks of the Tennessee River. The inclement weather resulted in wide-ranging pre-fishing reports with some anglers finding fish and others not. Availability of fresh bait may have […]
London and Church win Black’s Camp Big Cat Shootout on Santee Cooper
“Show me your big fish.” — Kevin Davis Plenty of big fish ruled the day on Friday at the Black’s Camp Big Cat Shootout. Prefishing was great with multiple 40 pounds and over fish reported. All the while, anglers and organizers were watching the weather. Winter storm Diego was bearing down on the area with […]
Frost and Sutton claim Southeastern Catfish Club Tournament Win on Wylie
Two fish weigh-in challenges anglers to find the big bite The Southeastern Catfish Club traveled to Lake Wylie for their last tournament of 2018. Fifty-three catfish tournament teams were greeted with inclement weather for the December 1st event out of the Buster Boyd Bridge Access area. Fishing began at 7:00 am and ended at 3:00 […]
Mitchell and Sexton win First Annual Turkey Bowl Classic in Decatur
Wheeler Lake produces big fish at Turkey Bowl Classic The First Annual Turkey Bowl Classic, brought to you by HOLD’em HOOK Catfish Trail, was given life on Saturday, November 24, 2018. Seventeen teams left Ingalls Harbor, Decatur, AL at first light. All were in search of the biggest whiskered critter they could find. The top […]
Black’s Camp Big Cat Shootout 2018 on Santee Cooper
Big Fish and Big Payout will rule the day The December 7 and 8, 2018 Black’s Camp Big Cat Shootout features a two catfish per boat weigh-in. South Carolina rules allow one blue cat over 36 inches per day, per person so both catfish can be over 36 inches. Davis describes the Shootout as […]
How to Fish the Missouri River in the Winter
The First Annual Reindeer Catfish Games Editor’s Note: All of the other reindeer used to laugh and call him names. They never let poor Rudolph join in any reindeer games. Then one cold Missouri night two tournament directors did a live feed on Facebook and announced a catfish tournament that didn’t exclude anyone from playing […]
Catfish Class
A fishing dream come true for a cancer patient and fellow angler by Troy Basso- Before I can tell this story properly, we must go back a few months to Memphis Tennessee. While at the Mississippi River Monsters event many catfish Anglers had the honor of meeting Michael Conley. Michael had his life impacted profoundly […]
Chris and Kyli Baldwin Take Top Honors at Possum Kingdom Catmasters
The two-day Possum Kingdom Catmasters (PKC) Tournament attracted 129 teams from as far away as California and Montana. Catfish anglers were competing for the first-place prize of $25,000 and custom sculptured wooden catfish trophies created by Savage Saint. The October 20, 21, 2018 event was in its second year of operation and is already making […]
Big Catfish are a Family Thing in the Dodd Clan
by Ron Presley Ole Sad Daddy four weeks in a row B’n’M Poles’ Jeff “Big Daddy” Dodd is known for calling his big cats “Ole Sad Daddy.” He credits a complete stranger for the name. “We was up there at Clarksville,” recalled Dodd. “I didn’t have what I call a big fish, maybe about a […]
Road Trip: Jeffersonville, Indiana
Hoosier Hospitality and Big Fish Too by Ron Presley The Ohio River runs boldly along the riverfront at Jeffersonville, IN. The city’s history is inescapably tied to the river which the city embraces for the wonderful asset that it is. Back in the days when roads were few, the rivers were lifelines to the city’s […]
Looking Back at Monsters on the Ohio
Ever since being addicted to the catfish scene I have heard about Aaron Wheatley’s Monsters on the Ohio catfish tournament. I almost made it in 2016, but a hurricane had other ideas about where I needed to be. A conflict in 2017 kept me away again. Finally, this year I have plans to make the […]
Catfishing for a Cause Benefit Catfish Tournament
A Fishing Tournament with no Fish by Lisa Hill A recent catfish tournament was a little disappointing, but not enough to dampen the spirits of the anglers and others who supported the Challenged Outdoorsmen of America-Arkansas Chapter, Catfishing for a Cause Benefit Catfish Tournament. “Once again it was an amazing day for the Challenged Outdoorsmen […]
Justin Cook and Gary Ryan Claim Cabela’s King Kat Classic at Jeffersonville, IN
Heavyweight catfish characterized the King Kat Championship on the Ohio River. Catfish anglers from 15 states traveled to the Ohio River for Cabela’s King Kat 2018 Classic. Sixty-six teams gathered at Jeffersonville, IN to test their catfishing skills against other anglers and Mother Nature. Plenty of uncertainty prevailed in the Southern Indiana town in the […]
Cook and Ryan Lead King Kat Classic After Day One in Jeffersonville, IN
Some big catfish came in early Day one of Cabela’s King Kat $110,000 Classic got off with a bang. While catfish anglers were struggling with floating debris in a rising Ohio River the fish were hungry. The anglers launched on Friday morning, September 14, 2018, to begin fishing about first light and continue until 3:00 […]
Schmeltz, Marshall and Buffo Win Catfish Tournament at Rising Sun, IN
Catfish anglers are challenged by rising river. The Ohio Valley River Cats 13th annual Catfish Tournament was held in Rising Sun on September 8-9, 2018. The two-day tournament challenged anglers with high and rising water, floating debris, and rain, rain, rain. Despite the challenging weather, 141 teams competed in the popular tournament, according to tournament director Frank McIntosh. Frank […]
Benningfield and Eiselt win MRM at Memphis
The 2018 Mississippi River Monsters event was more than just a catfish tournament. Mississippi River Monsters (MRM) was a catfish celebration that demonstrated the importance of the sport and confirmed the dedication of those who love to chase the whiskered fish. The celebration began with the MRM Excel Boats Warm Up Event on Saturday, September […]
Big River Cats Looks to Make a Splash
More signs of confidence in the catfish community Grizzly Jig Company, located in Caruthersville, MO, recently announced the launch of BigRiverCats.com. The new division of Grizzly Jig will cater to everyone from the everyday catfish angler to those that hit the catfish tournament trails. With its convenient location along the banks of the Mississippi River, […]
Cedric Poynor & Randy Dodd Claim Top Honors at Excel Boats MRM Warm Up Event
Fifty-eight boats competed in the Excel Boats event that was billed as a warm up to the Mississippi River Monsters tournament the following weekend. It all took place on the Big Muddy out of Memphis, TN. Competing anglers launched and returned to the Mud Island boat ramp on Saturday, September 1, 2018, and then returned […]
How Not to Lose that Fish of a Lifetime
A clean reel is a dependable reel. When it comes to taking care of catfish reels, Jarrett Tempus compares them to any important tool a person might use. Good maintenance is the key to the lifespan of the tool. Tempus is the proprietor of River Rat Reel Repair in Carbon Hill, Alabama. “A reel is […]
Team Cress wins Cabela’s King Kat Tournament on Ohio River
Scott and Emily Cress claim top honors at Paducah, KY with a two-day total weight of 219.83 pounds. Catfish anglers from eleven states traveled to the Ohio River for a Cabela’s King Kat Tournament Trail Super Event. Thirty-seven teams gathered at Paducah, KY to test their catfishing skills against other anglers and Mother Nature. […]
Catfish Anglers Converge on the Ohio River at Jeffersonville, KY
Cabela’s King Kat will crown a Classic Champion and name the winner of the 2018 points championship on September 15. Catfish anglers from several states will travel to the Ohio River at Jeffersonville, IN to compete in Cabela’s King Kat Tournament Trail Classic Championship. Competitors include only those anglers who have qualified for the Classic […]
Huge Weights at Helena Catfish Tournament
George Young Jr and Austin Pierce Claim Cabela’s King Kat Victory with 344.22 pounds of Mississippi River Catfish. Catfish anglers from 11 states traveled to the Mississippi River for a Cabela’s King Kat Tournament Trail Super Event. Twenty-one teams gathered at Helena, AR to test their catfishing skills against other anglers and Mother Nature. Helena […]
Catfish Tournament win for Souders and Conaway
Chris Souders and Nick Conaway claim Cabela’s King Kat Tournament win at Huntington, WV Catfish anglers from nine states traveled to the Ohio River for a Cabela’s King Kat Tournament Trail Event on Saturday, August 11, 2018. Forty-seven teams gathered at Paducah, KY to test their catfishing skills against other anglers and Mother Nature. Rain often […]
Correct Craft “Watershed Innovations” Project to Build All-Electric Fishing Boat
ORLANDO, FL — Watershed Innovations, a Correct Craft technology initiative, today added Torqeedo and SeaDek as two new partners on the project that Watershed previously announced with the University of Central Florida (UCF) to build an ultra-quiet aluminum fishing boat with electric propulsion. Watershed has now partnered with SeaArk Boats, Torqeedo, and SeaDek, and UCF’s Senior Design […]
KDFWR Meeting to Address Catfish Regulations
An important Kentucky Fish and Wildlife committee meeting including catfish regulations is coming on August 17, 2018 at 8:30 AM EDT in Frankfort, KY. If you are able to attend be advised that the location is currently in limbo as they look for a larger venue. The Committee will consider a number of issues related […]
Texas Team wins Cabela’s King Kat at Tell City, IN
Jerry Ishcomer, Noah Ishcomer, and Carey Cox drove 1,100 miles to claim the top spot in the Ohio River catfish event. Catfish anglers from ten states traveled to the Ohio River for Cabela’s King Kat Tournament Trail event. Forty-three teams gathered at Tell City, Indiana to test their catfishing skills against other anglers and Mother […]
McClure and Arledge win Capt. Mad Jack’s Catfish Tournament
It was hard to find unders at Taylorsville tournament. Season two of Capt. Mad Jack’s catfish tournament was held August 3 and 4, 2018 at Taylorsville Lake, KY. Billed as The Nocturnal Pursuit, the tournament ran through the night on Friday with weigh-in at 9:00 am on Saturday morning. Fifty-nine boats competed in the popular […]
Excel Boats Warm-up and MRM are both King Kat Qualifiers
September Catfish Action in Memphis Grab your pencil, roll up your sleeves, and take some catfish notes. Fall is here and all kinds of catfishing action abound. Fast forward to September and look at what the catfish community has to look forward to in Memphis, Tennessee on the Big Muddy. There is definitely something for […]
Chick Fight 2019 – A Catfish Tournament for the Ladies
Wheeler Lake in Alabama will host first Chick Fight. Chick Fight is a catfish tournament for the ladies. As the sport of catfishing grows, so grows the number of women participating. This tournament will give women catfish anglers a platform to demonstrate their skills and enjoy the competition and camaraderie of tournament fishing. The excitement […]
Catfish Tournament Win goes to Team Cooksey
Catfish anglers from twelve states traveled to the Mississippi River for a Cabela’s King Kat Tournament Trail Event. Forty-six teams gathered at Caruthersville, MO to test their catfishing skills against other anglers and Mother Nature. The Mississippi River is always expected to produce some good catfish and anglers approached the Caruthersville event on July 28 […]
States and Catfish
Missouri and Georgia value and promote catfishing It pleases me to see states recognize the value of catfish as a recreational fish. Missouri and Georgia, for example, have recently shared information about catfishing. Missouri shared a release about a catfish clinic coming up in August and Georgia shared information on how to catch catfish and […]
Giving up Ditch Pickles for Catfish
Michael Ballinger wins RigRap Wheel spin on Catfish Weekly On Monday, February 12, 2018, Catfish Weekly’s RigRap Wheel landed on CatfishNow for an angler from Northern Indiana. There are a million stories in the catfish community, this is just one. **************** Michael Ballinger is a riverman. He enjoys spending his recreational time along and on […]
Luttrell and Espy win Cabela’s King Kat Tournament at Pekin, IL
Although rare to the area, Big Kat honors were won with a blue catfish. Catfish anglers from seven states traveled to the Illinois River for a Cabela’s King Kat Tournament Trail Event. Thirty-seven teams gathered at Pekin, IL to test their catfishing skills against other anglers and Mother Nature. Most anglers suggested that the high-water […]
Central Texas Catfish Trail holds Benefit Tournament for Mike Padgett
Catfish community gathers for one of their own by Lisa Hill Mike Padgett, from Moffat TX, is considered a pioneer in rod and reel catfishing by many members of the Central Texas Catfish Trail. The catfish community came together in his honor and for his benefit on Belton Lake. The event was the Central Texas […]
Moreland and Flaherty win Cabela’s King Kat Tournament at Carlyle, IL
Catfish anglers faced torrential rainfall at Carlyle Lake Catfish anglers from seven states traveled to Carlyle Lake for a Cabela’s King Kat Tournament Trail Event. Twenty-six teams gathered at Carlyle, IL to test their catfishing skills against other anglers and Mother Nature. Competitors were vying for $6,350.00 in cash and prizes and an opportunity to […]
Team Kuehl wins Cabela’s King Kat Tournament at Dixon, IL
It was a family affair for Mike, Timothy and Krissi Kuehl. Catfish anglers from four states traveled to the Rock River for a Cabela’s King Kat Tournament Trail Event. Forty-three teams gathered at Dixon, IL to test their catfishing skills against other anglers and Mother Nature. The Rock River is known for its big channel […]
Kerns and Edwards win Cabela’s King Kat Tournament on Ohio & Wabash Rivers
The Mt. Vernon, IN event posted a King Kat record weight Catfish anglers from nine states traveled to the Ohio and Wabash Rivers for a Cabela’s King Kat Tournament Trail Event. Thirty-five teams gathered at Mt. Vernon, IN to test their catfishing skills against other anglers and Mother Nature. Pre-fishing the day before the tournament […]
USSA Childs Wish Kids Event at Lake Guntersville
Some special needs children will be having a special time at Lake Guntersville this weekend. The May 18-20 event is the 10th year for the kids to receive some special love from dedicated sponsors and volunteer anglers at this location. United Special Sportsman Alliance, Inc. (USSA) is an all volunteer 501(c)(3) non-profit wish granting charity […]
Michael Suttner and Cody Thompson win Catfish Weekly National Championship on Lake of the Ozarks
The Catfish Weekly National Championship was characterized by strong winds and pleasure boats that kept the water rocking. Missouri regulations kept anglers on their toes too. The state regulates with a slot of 26- 34-inches where no fish can be kept. So, the best 5 fish limit would be 2 over slot fish and 3 […]
Yantis Catfish Classic held on Lake Fork
Yantis Catfish Classic Honors Ken Freeman by Lisa Hill This was the 13th year for the Yantis-Catfish Classic and the 5th year for Mayor Jerry Miller along with the assistance of his wife Phillis to be the Tournament Director. At the end of the first day of the tournament, there was a parade in downtown […]
Catfish Weekly National Championship – The Time Has Come
Lake Ozark, MO is hosting a catfish tournament in May that will go down in history as an important step up the ladder in the public’s acceptance of catfishing as a sport. More than a year’s worth of planning and hard work will come to fruition on May 12th and 13th, 2018. Lyle Stokes has […]
Daniel and Craig Shirey win Cabela’s King Kat Tournament on Rocky Fork
Catfish anglers from three states traveled to Rocky Fork Lake for a Cabela’s King Kat Tournament Trail Event. Twenty-five teams gathered at Hillsboro, OH to test their catfishing skills against other anglers and Mother Nature. Competitors were vying for 6,350.00 in cash and prizes, and an opportunity to qualify for the $110,000 Classic Championship to […]
Near 300-pound weight leads Coggins and Hinson to win at Santee Cooper Monster Cat Quest
The highly anticipated Santee Cooper Big Cat Quest 2018 shined brightly in only its second year of operation. Last year’s event was showered with praise after 76 teams, from 11 different states participated in the inaugural event. This year the event, held out of Black’s Camp and Restaurant, was even better. The already popular event […]
Mike Mitchell, Jackson Mitchell, & Rick Sexton win Cabela’s King Kat Tournament on Watts Bar
Catfish anglers from ten states traveled to the Tennessee River and Watts Bar Lake for a Cabela’s King Kat Tournament Trail Super Event. Forty-six teams gathered at Loudon, TN, to test their catfishing skills against other anglers and Mother Nature. Watts Bar Dam, located midway between Knoxville and Chattanooga, is one of nine TVA dams […]
Martin and Godwin lead Monster Cat Quest on Santee Cooper
Day one is in the books at the Santee Cooper Monster Cat Quest out of Black’s Camp, Cross, SC. The tournament, now in its second year, attracted more than 100 boats to fish the popular Santee Cooper waters. Mark Coborn, from Myrtle Beach, SC was on hand at the weigh-in. He reports that today’s leaders […]
Team Pounders win Cabela’s King Kat Tournament on Old Hickory
Joey and Jerry Pounders moved from 5th place on day one to claim top honors at Gallatin, TN Catfish anglers from nine states traveled to the Cumberland River and Old Hickory Lake for a Cabela’s King Kat Tournament Trail Super Event. Twenty-seven teams gathered at Gallatin, TN to test their catfishing skills against other anglers and […]
Justin Cook and Gary Ryan win Cabela’s King Kat on Lake of the Ozarks
Lake of the Ozarks in Sunrise Beach, Missouri, welcomed catfish anglers to the March 24, 2018, edition of Cabela’s King Kat Tournament Trail. They rolled out the red carpet for more than 50 anglers from 5 different states. Competitors were vying for $6,000 in cash and prizes, and an opportunity to qualify for the $110,000 […]
Mitchell and Sexton win Cabela’s King Kat on Wheeler
Big Fish record for King Kat Trail busted on Wheeler Decatur, Alabama and Wheeler Lake are on most catfish anglers wish list. The number of personal best catfish coming from the Tennessee River lake continues to grow. Now, this destination claims the distinction of producing the biggest catfish ever to weigh in at a Cabela’s […]
Arkansas Spring Catfish Stockings
LITTLE ROCK – As many of the state’s elementary and secondary schools go on a week of spring break starting next Monday, the time off coincides with several central Arkansas fisheries being stocked with catfish. The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s Family and Community Fishing Program is in full swing this week delivering catfish for […]
It’s all About Paying Your Dues
Paul Hurt wins RigRap Wheel Spin on Catfish Weekly On Monday, March 5, 2018, Catfish Weekly’s RigRap Wheel landed on CatfishNow for an angler from San Marcos TX. There are a million stories in the catfish community, 54-year-old Paul Hurt’s is just one. “I started fishing like most, very young,” offered Hurt. “I was catching […]
Nederhoff and Brown win Cabela’s King Kat on Santee Cooper
Will those catfish be shallow or will they be deep? Deep or shallow was the question as sixty-two catfish boats from 12 states planned their tournament day strategy to fish the popular big fish lakes of Marion and Moultrie in Santee Cooper Country. The question of shallow or deep arose because of a cold front […]
Catfish Conference – Birth of a Tradition
No one really knew where it would go when several catfish fanatics launch the first Catfish Conference in 2016. It was billed as a catfish community gettogether for all persons interested in the whiskered fish. Now, in only its third year, it has become something the whole catfish community looks forward to. The underlying premise […]
So the Catfish Conference is in Louisville
Catfish, Baseball Bats, Horse Racing and more As the sport of catfishing grows, so grows tournament trails and events like Catfish Conference. Louisville, KY was the location of Catfish Conference 2017 and it will be again in 2018. With the next opportunity just around the corner don’t fail to leave some time from conference activities […]
Parks and Gnagy Win Cabela’s King Kat at Tawakoni
Anglers battled wind and rain and unsettled prefishing to test their catfishing skills on Lake Tawakoni at W. Tawakoni, Texas. The weather has been up and down for a month, making it difficult to pattern the fish. The occasion was Cabela’s King Kat Tournament Trail. The February 17, 2018, event attracted 50 teams from 10 […]
Remembering TJ Stallings
Note: Kathy Stallings wrote this beautiful tribute to TJ Stalling’s. She wrote if for his friends as a way to honor him on the one-year anniversary of his passing and to also say thank you. Kathy graciously allowed it to be published here. TJ was a friend of mine. He had a great impact on […]
Cabela’s King Kat visits Santee Cooper in March
Santee Cooper’s growing reputation as a big fish lake will likely draw top catfish competitors in March. The March 10, 2018 event will be held out of the popular Black’s Camp and Restaurant. Both lakes, Marion and Moultrie, will be in play for anglers to demonstrate their catfishing skills. The tournament offers the opportunity for […]
Long time catfish tournament director, Ken Freeman dies
Ken Freeman was well known around catfish circles. He made his mark both as an angler and as a tournament director. His first catfish success came when he was 10 years old. He and his dad fished the World Championship of Catfishing (WCC) on Pickwick Lake and won it. When he turned 20 years old […]
Chappell Brothers win 2018 Winter Blues on Wheeler
Winter Blues on Wheeler presented by Bottom Dwellers Tackle was a testament to the toughness of catfish anglers. They battled cold and windy weather to showcase a growing sport and show what catfish anglers are made of. It all took place on Wheeler and Wilson Lakes where big catfish are king. Anglers could choose which […]
Tawakoni site for Cabela’s King Kat in February
Lake Tawakoni at W. Tawakoni, Texas, will host the second Cabela’s King Kat Tournament Trail of 2018. The February 17, 2018 event is an opportunity for catfish anglers to compete for cash, prizes and a chance to advance to the Cabela’s King Kat Classic Championship. There are a couple of important changes to the schedule […]
Winter Blues on Wheeler moves to larger facility for captains meeting
Trade in your winter blues for some Wheeler blues Success often brings growing pains. Such is the case at Winter Blues on Wheeler (WBW). Thank goodness, they are pains of a good kind. Winter Blues is one of those tournaments that caught on quick with catfish anglers. Now in its 4th year, the boat total […]
HOLD’em HOOK Christmas for Kids Catfish Tournament
#CatfishClass Catfish stories that relate to a good deed warm my heart. In this Christmas season the Hold’em HOOK Christmas for Kids Tournament is an example of using the sport of catfishing to do good in the community. The event began three years ago when tournament co-founders Steve Dobbs and Cad Daly discovered some families […]
Always looking for the next big cat
Chad Everett wins RigRap Wheel spin on Catfish Weekly On Monday November 27, 2017 Catfish Weekly’s RigRap Wheel landed on CatfishNow for an angler from Mebane, N.C. There are a million stories in the catfish community, this is just one. Chad Everett is a catfish angler and he has been for a long time. But, […]
Book Review – Pippa’s Journey: Tail-Wagging Tales of Rescue Dogs by Robert U. Montgomery
Canine Companionship Is your dog a companion or a pet? This question is asked early on in Robert U. Montgomery’s book, Pippa’s Journey: Tail-Wagging Tales of Rescue Dogs. He makes the distinction that early in life his dogs were just pets. As he grew older and wiser it became apparent that his dogs meant more […]
Spencer Hodges and Robert Carter win inaugural Black’s Camp Big Cat Shootout on Santee Cooper
“Gimme’ your best two . .” With an emphasis on catfish health and conservation, the first Black’s Camp Big Cat Shootout was a great success. Thirty-one angler teams paid the $500 entry fee to fish some of the best catfish waters around – Lakes Marion and Moultrie (Santee Cooper). The weather was variable, but the […]
Inside Winter Blues on Wheeler Catfish Tournament with Jody Harrison
Catfish, passion, friendliness, fun and conservation Jody Harrison is no stranger to tournament fishing. He has a long history of staging bass and crappie tournaments. I guess you could call him a tenderfoot in the catfish world, but he catches on fast. “I started putting on tournaments in 2007,” explained Harrison. “It all started at […]
Black’s Camp Big Cat Shootout on Santee Cooper
Tournament features two fish weigh-in Santee Cooper waters from the Pinopolis Lock up to the Rimini Railroad Trestle will be full of whisker whackers on November 17 and 18, 2017. The lakes of Santee Cooper are growing in reputation as a big catfish destination. Those waters are a perfect location for a major tournament and […]
Yellow Bass Fishing on Kentucky Lake
Sometimes you take what Mother Nature gives you It was a cloudy, rainy, foggy day predicted for Kentucky Lake. We had checked into Moors Resort and Marina after attending the Southeastern Outdoor Press Association’s annual meeting at Kentucky Dam Village. We had a few days available before the upcoming Crappie USA Classic, also on Kentucky […]
Moses and Parfitt win Monsters on the Ohio at Owensboro
Monsters on the Ohio 8 brought 180 catfish boats to Owensboro, KY for one of the most anticipated catfish tournaments in the nation. Given the make up of two- and three-angler teams that translates to nearly 400 anglers fishing the tournament. Tournament director, Aaron Wheatley present the guaranteed first place prize to the new Monsters […]
Chris Dunaway wins RigRap Wheel spin on Catfish Weekly
Chris Dunaway is a catfish angler. He prefers to fish from his boat, but don’t be surprised if you see him throwing out a line from the bank if the opportunity presents its self. On Monday October 8, Catfish Weekly’s RigRap Wheel landed on CatfishNow for the angler from Buffalo, WV in Putnam County. This […]
Harkness wins BCQ Angler of the Year
Family matters, especially in catfishing Roy Harkness is a cotton farmer. When the times comes to pick cotton nothing else matters much and the Bass Pro Shops Big Cat Quest (BCQ) Championship was scheduled on what would likely be a cotton pickin’ weekend. It was Oct. 7 and 8, 2017. “I really wasn’t planning on […]
Team Shipman/Nash bag 93.15 pounder on their way to Big Cat Quest Championship at New Madrid
Whole lotta bumpin’ goin’ on Bumpin’ the Mississippi River is a favorite way to catch trophy catfish. The bumping method is a situation where anglers set the bow of their boat into the current and use the trolling motor to control a backward drift at their preferred speed. Each angler holds a single rod and […]
Anticipating Monsters on the Ohio with Paul Blackwell
Monsters on the Ohio is one of the most anticipated tournaments of the year. Under the tutelage of tournament angler Aaron Wheatley, the tournament has grown from a small tournament in 2010 to one of the biggest catfish tournaments in the nation. Monsters on the Ohio takes place in Owensboro, KY, a very supportive and […]
Godbolt and Howard win Cabela’s King Kat Eastern Classic on Wateree
Approaching Hurricane Nate had no great impact on Cabela’s King Kat Eastern Championship on Lake Wateree at Camden, SC. No severe weather occurred during the October 6 and 7, 2017 tourney, but a great bite led anglers to catch numerous fish. Day one was sunny with light winds and temperatures in the high 80’s. Day […]
Wimmer and Saxton claim day one lead at Cabela’s King Kat Eastern Classic on Wateree
Richard Wimmer III and James Saxton took the day one lead at Cabela’s King Kat Eastern Championship on Lake Wateree at Camden, South Carolina. The event, hosted by the Kershaw County Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Center, attracted anglers from several states to compete on the popular lake. “We hadn’t caught fish that big this […]
Muse and Meadors win Vicksburg with 244.94 pounds in 5 fish
The Battle for Vicksburg produced the heaviest weight ever for Larry Muse and Dino Meadors. They enjoyed a day of fishing that all catfish anglers dream of. They brought 244.94 pounds of Mississippi River catfish to the scales. Their weight included a fish that weighed 86.35 pounds to claim big fish of the day. “The […]
Shipman and Wilbanks win Cabela’s King Kat Western Championship at Gallatin, TN
The Cumberland River (Old Hickory Lake) produced some nice fish for the 2017 Cabela’s King Kat Western Championship. The Sept. 22 and 23 event featured top anglers from all across catfish country. Weather was in the low 90’s both days making it a hot championship. Light winds did not help ease the heat, and […]
Cabela’s 2017 King Kat Northern Classic on Old Hickory – Day 1
The leaders just went fishing Anglers began fishing at 6:30 am knowing that they needed to string two good days together to win Cabela’s King Kat Northern Championship on Old Hickory Lake. The Captains Meeting the night before was filled with stories from anglers that said they could have one if only they could have […]
Mississippi River Monsters catfish tournament 2017
It’s all about the catfish fun A tough bite for most, and HOT weather challenged anglers on September 16, 2017 on the Mighty Mississippi. One Hundred Sixty-Seven boats gathered in Memphis for year two of the Mississippi River Monsters tournament, directed by George Young Jr. Young’s dedication to the tournament accumulated more than $100,000 in […]
A short story about a good friend
Are you TJ Stallings’ brother? It is Thursday, September 14. I am in Memphis, TN at the Mississippi River Monsters catfish tournament. I have my Whisker Whackers/CatfishNow banner set up in the breakfast room at the Clarion Hotel. My goal is to take as many photos of tournament competitors, friends and family as I can. […]
Mud Island Marina/Memphis Yatch Club
You can’t make this stuff up Some of the anglers at the Mississippi River Monsters catfish tournament are keeping their boats at the Mud Island Marina/Memphis Yatch Club. It is predominately occupied by the Yatch Club members, but users are not required to be a member of the club to moor boats in the facility. […]
River Readin’ with Shipman and Wilbanks
MRM ANGLER ROUNDUP – 2017 The 2017 Mississippi River Monsters tournament in Memphis will feature prominent anglers and tournament teams in a series of catfish seminars. The Friday afternoon event promises to provide more catfishing information in one afternoon than an individual could accumulate in years of fishing on their own. One of the distinguishing […]
Masingale brothers win Cabela’s King Kat at Paducah
Souders and Conaway earn points race honors As Jason and Daryl Masingale took the top spot at Paducah, the tight 2017 points race ended with honors going to teammates Chris Souders and Nick Conaway. The King Kat points race tightened up last week in Quincy where several individuals finished the event tied at 383 […]
Heckrodt and Cox win Cabela’s King Kat at Quincy, IL
Points raced tightens at Quincy As Joey Heckrodt and Jerry Cox took the top spot at Quincy, the King Kat points race tightened to set up a shoot out on the Ohio River next week. Three teams were are tied at 383 points following the Saturday, August 19, 2017 event. “The Angler of the Year […]
Who’s fishing the eclipse?
What will it do to the bite? Wow! The first time in 38 years that there has been a total eclipse of the sun in the Lower 48 states. I have seen so many Facebook friends making plans to be on the water it’s making me want to be out there too. Weather.com reports that […]
Catfish Q&A with James “Big Cat” Patterson
MRM ANGLER ROUNDUP – 2017 The 2017 Mississippi River Monsters tournament in Memphis will feature prominent anglers and tournament teams in a series of catfish seminars. The Friday event promises to provide more catfishing information in one afternoon than an individual could accumulate in years of fishing on their own. One of the distinguishing elements […]
Night Time Is Fight Time with Capt. Glenn Flowers
MRM ANGLER ROUNDUP – 2017 The 2017 Mississippi River Monsters tournament in Memphis will feature prominent anglers and tournament teams in a series of catfish seminars. The Friday afternoon event promises to provide more catfishing information in four hours than an individual could accumulate in years of fishing on their own. One of the distinguishing […]
Espy and Luttrell win Cabela’s King Kat at Lake Cooper on the Mississippi
Catfish anglers fishing the Cabela’s King Kat Tournament Trail were greeted with sunny skies both Friday and Saturday. The final day saw 15 mph winds, blowing N early and S late. The river was lower than normal and afternoon temperatures were in the low 80’s all weekend. The Friday and Saturday, August 11 and 12, […]
Ole Sad Daddy, Start to Finish with Jeff Dodd
MRM ANGLER ROUNDUP – 2017 The 2017 Mississippi River Monsters tournament in Memphis will feature prominent anglers and tournament teams in a series of catfish seminars. The Friday afternoon event promises to provide more catfishing information than an individual could accumulate in years of fishing on their own. One of the distinguishing elements of tournament […]
Advanced techniques for BIG RIVER catfish with Jason and Daryl Masingale
MRM ANGLER ROUNDUP – 2017 The 2017 Mississippi River Monsters tournament in Memphis will feature prominent anglers and tournament teams in a series of catfish seminars. The Friday afternoon event promises to provide more catfishing information in four hours than an individual could accumulate in years of fishing on their own. One of the distinguishing […]
Catfish anglers prep for King Kat Classic on Wateree
As the sport of catfishing grows, so does the anticipation of yearend tournaments. The Cabela’s King Kat Southern Championship will take place on Lake Wateree at Camden, South Carolina. Qualifying anglers are already planning for the big event. The Championship is a two-day event on October 6 and 7, 2017. Just as the sport is […]
Angler Roundup adds special touch to Mississippi River Monsters Catfish Tournament
It’s gonna’ be like a two-day party Finding a bunch of catfish vendors in the same spot at the same time has not been common in the catfish community. Catfish Conference in 2016 was the first big one to have a lot of vendors in one place. It is just natural for anglers to want […]
Catfish anglers prep for King Kat Classic on Old Hickory
As the sport of catfishing grows, so does the anticipation of yearend tournaments. The Cabela’s King Kat Northern Championship will take place on the Cumberland River (Old Hickory Lake) at Gallatin, Tennessee. Qualifying anglers are already planning for the big event. The Championship is a two-day event on September 22 and 23, 2017. Just as […]
Anthony’s Guide Service supports C.A.S.T. for Kids Foundation at Weiss Lake event
Editor’s note: If you book a guided fishing trip on one of 5 days in September, all proceeds will go to support the C.A.S.T. for Kids Foundation. Read the details below. Our future depends on kids! Anyone in the fishing industry understands that statement well and will go to all ends to introduce and maintain […]
Churchwell, Herman and Lyon win BCQ Nite Series event on the Coosa
How did they fish? There is no time like summer to hold a night catfishing event. The Bass Pro Shops Big Cat Quest travelled to Rome, GA and the Coosa River to host their Saturday July 22, through Sunday July 23rd Nite Series tournament. Fishing began on Saturday at 6:00 pm and continued until 12:00 […]
A lost treasure found, Vicious colored minnows
It was an accident of sorts. The outcome stirred the fishing world. The intent of South Carolina pest control guy, Harold Collins, was to create a way to keep his minnows alive longer. Collins concocted a mixture of chemicals that he thought would do the trick. The result was to turn the minnows blue. Collins […]
Willie Smith and Nick Anderson win inaugural Capt. Mad Jack’s tourney
Steve Douglas conducted the highly anticipated and successful event on Taylorsville Lake this past weekend. The inaugural Capt. Mad Jack’s Catfish Clash was held on July 14th and 15th, 2017. The event was staged with a mission statement that could be adopted by all catfish loving anglers everywhere. It reads, “Promoting the sport of catfishing […]
What will ICAST have for catfish anglers?
Noticing the catfishing community If you are not familiar with the ICAST acronym, it stands for International Convention of Allied Sportsfishing Trades. It is a gathering place for about 15,000 people from 80 different countries, all with something to do with fishing. It is a trade show and NOT open to the public. Manufacturers show […]
Dodd and Harkness win World Championship of Catfishing
Chasing the coveted WWC belts The World Championship of Catfishing (WCC) took place on the Tennessee River at Savannah, TN on July 8, 2017. The long running tournament has been held on Pickwick Lake for many years and has been fished, and won, by many legends in the catfish world. The area is known by […]
Fisler and Trexler win Cabela’s King Kat on the Delaware
Catfish anglers fishing the Cabela’s King Kat Tournament Trail were greeted with inclement weather as they started their search for Delaware River catfish. The early morning storms cleared in the afternoon. The tournament finished with sunny skies, temperatures in the 80’s and winds blowing a stiff 13 – 15 mph. The June 24, 2017 event […]
Team Miller wins Madison Catfish Anglers tournament
Catfish kids show their stuff Ten teams competed for top honors at the family friendly Madison Catfish Anglers tournament on the Ohio River out of Vevay, IN. Each of the top three teams had kids on the team. The weather and water conditions were pretty good. The day progressed from warm and calm to hot […]
Johnny Morris and Bass Pro Shops donating 40,000 rods and reels in nationwide effort to get more kids outside
Gone Fishing movement aims to introduce fishing to families everywhere with free activities, donations and partnerships Bass Pro Shops (BPS) is a huge supporter of the catfishing community. You cannot go to many catfishing events without seeing the familiar BPS logo and you don’t go to many without seeing plenty of kids. Catfishing is a […]
Stephens, Stephens and Diehl win King Kat on the Rock
Catfish anglers were greeted with a swift river, a few feet above normal for the June 3, 2017 tournament event on the Rock River at Dixon, IL. More than 100 anglers from 8 states, were competing for $9,300.00 in cash and prizes, and the opportunity to qualify for the 2017 Cabela’s King Kat Northern and […]
Catfish and all the fixins’ in a Cajun Fryer
It don’t get much better than this The growing popularity of catfishing demonstrates an interesting dichotomy. The question has become, to eat or not to eat. In recent years, many more catfish are released than in the past, but they remain popular on the dinner table. The growing trend towards Catch-Photo-Release (CPR) has many sportsmen […]
Scott Cress and Carl Crone claim top spot at Cabela’s King Kat at Mt. Vernon, IN
A river, dropping 5 feet in 24 hours preceding and during the May 20, 2017 the Cabela’s King Kat Tournament Trail made for some tough fishing. Anglers were fishing the Ohio and Wabash Rivers at Mt. Vernon, Indiana. Temperatures were in the low to mid 80’s with early morning rain and scattered thunderstorms throughout the […]
Castillo, Seale and Castillo win Fishing Blues on Waurika
Oklahoma based Fishing Blues had a change in schedule for their May 20 event. Seventeen teams fished the rescheduled tourney on Waurika Lake. The results are posted below: 1st and Big fish winners Michael Castillo, Brian Seale, David Castillo , Big Fish 12.2, total weight 36.8# 2nd Malcolm Williams, Danny Garza,Terry Williams 34.0 # 3rd […]
Whisker Whackers Technology Tip – It’s easy if you know how to do it
Turning off your iPhone passcode I continue to be amazed at the technology we carry in our Smart Phones. I also continue to be amazed at how hard it can be to find a simple solution to problems that bug me about using my phone. When I got my iPhone 6s I discovered that it […]
Evan Martin’s big fish streak
Evan Martin has been on a big fish streak this spring. He calls it luck, but you have to wonder. What is this avid catfish angler doing that led him to his big fish catches, that included three Big Fish awards during his tournament fishing? “I’ve been getting lucky in the tournament’s,” stated Martin. “We […]
Catfish Basics #008 Harrison, Bailey and Thompson win King Kat at Gallipolis
High water, a 5 to 6 mph current and floating debris challenged anglers at the May 13, 2017 Cabela’s King Lat Tournament at Gallipolis, OH. Early morning fog with temperatures in the 50’s cleared to sunny skies, temperatures in the 70’s and North winds at 5 to 10 mph as anglers fished the Ohio […]
Blauvelt’s Big Kat on Monongahela River sets new trail record
It was a pretty good bite all day long according to B’n’M prostaffer Mark Blauvelt. “Water was on the rise, raining and overcast all day. Those conditions seemed to keep the bite pretty good all through the day.” Blauvelt was fishing with Shannon Dotson in the May 6, 2017 Cabela’s King Kat Tournament Trail on […]
Willie Smith and Nick Anderson win Cabela’s King Kat on the Monongahela River
Warm temperatures, in the 70’s, and a stable river one day turned to drastic weather on Saturday for the May 6, 2017 Cabela’s King Kat Tournament Trail on the Monongahela River at Morgantown, West Virginia. Rain, winds at 10 to 15mph and temperatures in the 50’s created an additional challenge to anglers as they witnessed […]
Gene Gaston and Damon Gibson win Cabela’s King Kat on Wateree in Camden, SC
Sunny skies with temperatures in the 80’s greeted catfish anglers to Camden, SC, the location of the latest Cabela’s King Kat Tournament Trail event. The two-day Super Event began on Lake Wateree, SC, Friday, April 28, 2017 and finished on Saturday, April 29, 2017. Winds at 5 -10 mph on Friday and 10 – 15 […]
John Terry and Jamie Williams lead Cabela’s King Kat on Wateree after day one
Camden, SC, is the location of the latest Cabela’s King Kat Tournament Trail event. The two-day Super Event began on Lake Wateree, SC, today and continues thru Saturday, April 29, 2017. Legal waters for the event was all of Lake Wateree. Anglers could fish from 6:30 AM until 3:00 PM on opening day, as well […]
Ryan Gnagy and Kevin Parks claim 2017 Sea Ark Owners Tournament on Wheeler
Sea Ark boat owners launched on Wheeler Lake out of Decatur, AL for the 2017 Sea Ark Owners Tournament. One hundred and forty-one boats and more than twice that many catfish anglers were vying for cash and prizes with payouts going to the top 20 boats. Anglers had to do combat Mother Nature as well […]
James “Bink” Fox Cancer Sucks Benefit Catfishing tournament goes to Kemp and Kemp
Sixty-two boats competed on the Ohio River, Gallipolis Pool today. They were fishing for fun and charity. The event, organized by Tim “Doc” Lange was pulled off with the help of numerous volunteers and sponsors. The tournament offered no prizes or payout. One-hundred percent of the money raised went to Janet and Bink Fox to […]
April Fool’s Day catfish may have been new Nebraska record for Mike O’Hara
It started off as a normal fishing trip. It was a rainy day, just like it had been for several days, with a high temp of 55 degrees expected. Mike O’Hara and his good buddy, Pete, headed out to fish the Missouri River in Nebraska. “We started the day off by netting some fresh shad,” […]
SC state record blue catfish shines light on catch and release fishing
Paula and Steve Haney have been fishing together for about 15 years. They had made the trek from Anderson, South Carolina to do a little Santee Cooper fishing out of Hills Landing and Marina at Cross, SC. Little did they know that their pontoon boat would be carrying the new South Carolina state record blue […]
Coyle, Johnson and Lowery win Santee Cooper Monster Quest Catfish Tournament at Black’s Camp
The thunder storms and heavy rain were gone from day one as Santee Cooper Monster Cat Quest tournament anglers hit the water on the final day of competition, Saturday, April 1, 2017. The promise of better weather was on everyone’s mind after the first day’s competition was fished in severely bad winds, rain and choppy […]
Bridges and Hix lead Santee Cooper Monster Quest on day one
Thunder storms and heavy rain rolled through the night as 76 teams of catfish anglers prepared for day-one of the Santee Cooper Monster Cat Quest catfish tournament. Although the rain had stopped by daybreak, anglers were greeted with cloudy skies and a promise from the weatherman of windy conditions. The rain came again, accompanied with […]
Santee Cooper Monster Cat Quest kicks off in South Carolina
Blacks Camp was the perfect venue to kick off the inaugural Santee Cooper Monster Cat Quest, where a buffet dinner and registration kicked off the proceedings. More than 70 teams from numerous states made the trek to Santee Cooper Country to fish the popular catfish lakes. Prefishing was characterized by great weather, right up to […]
Nine-year-old Michael Burruss wins BPS BCQ on the James River
Perfect catfishing weather greeted Bass Pro Shops Big Cat Quest anglers for the March 18, 2017 tournament on the James River near Richmond, VA. The good weather followed some really cold, windy, rainy and stormy days. Anglers were pleased with the change for the better, because it is so often the other way around on […]
Season opener in the books for Madison Catfish Anglers
Daryl Miller Junior opened the Madison Catfish Anglers season this past weekend out of Craig’s Creek. He described the day as windy, cold and brutal on the water. He wanted to thank everybody for coming out and supporting the event. Jack Hite and his partner Marlin managed to catch a nice stringer in inclement weather. […]
Aaron Churchwell and Jake Herman win Cabela’s King Kat on Wheeler
King Kat anglers started out on a cold Decatur, AL day. Temps were in the lower 40s and light rain scattered the area. Skies started clearing and the day got encourageably brighter, before more clouds rolled in to keep the temperatures from raising much. By one o’clock it was still only 46 degrees with the […]
John and Matthew Allen Win Cabela’s King Kat on Tawakoni
Blue skies, mild winds and temperatures in the mid to upper 60’s prevailed all week during prefishing for the March 4, 2017 Cabela’s King Kat Tournament Trail on Lake Tawakoni at West Tawakoni, Texas. Many anglers were reporting poor fishing as the tournament approached. Tournament day, as it often does, brought a […]
George Young Jr. – Passing it on!
George Young Jr. is well known in catfish circles for his ability to catch big cats. His favorite way to do it is bumping bottom on the Mississippi River near Memphis. I personally took some “bumpin’ lessons” from Young and he is a good teacher too. He is often seen on the river chasing whiskered […]
Shane Queen and Blake Williams win Cabela’s King Kat on Santee Cooper
Catfish anglers were greeted with a beautiful sunrise and fair weather for the final day of Cabela’s King Kat Tournament Trail on Santee Cooper. The South Carolina lake is known for big catfish, and day one proved it so. The team of Billy Patton and Dan Robison weighed in a 73-pound blue cat to claim […]
Saxon and Wimmer hold narrow day-one lead at Cabela’s King Kat on Santee Cooper
Santee Cooper showed why it is known for big catfish on the opening day of Cabela’s King Kat 2017 Tournament Trail. The two-day event kicked off on Friday, Feb. 17 and continue on Saturday the 18th. Catfish anglers were greeted with beautiful weather and an early bite for the first day. The only […]
Tennessee River Gill Net Ban Stands
Today’s The Fishing Wire carried this story from Southern Fishing News related to the use of gill nets in the Tennessee River. *************************************** Readers may remember back in 2015 Southern Fishing News was in the thick of the fight to defeat Alabama’s Representative Lynn Greers’ proposed bill to allow the use of gill nets in […]
In Memoriam – TJ Stallings
The outdoor industry lost a dedicated friend on January 31, 2017. TJ Stallings was a friend to many and he will be so sorely missed. I had the opportunity in 2016 to nominate him for one of the Florida Outdoor Writers prestigious awards, The Hardy Bryant Lifetime Achievement Award. The award, created in 1994, requires […]
Dale Russell Lowe, Jr. Lands Icebowl Monster
Dale Russell Lowe, Jr has caught big catfish before, just not this big! He was fishing the Icebowl Tournament on John H. Kerr Reservoir (Buggs Island Lake). The reservoir is bounded by Virginia and North Carolina. “My cousin Stephen Faircloth fishes that tournament with me every year,” said Lowe. “I had two of the most […]
Crappie, family and friendship
My travels and my work take me to numerous catfish and crappie tournaments. What I find everywhere I go are “real” people, patriots with family values, that love their sport. The anglers are normally just as excited about seeing old friends and making new ones as they are about the fishing Oh, don’t get me […]
Paul Strouth inaugural catfish tournament won by Justin Browning and Seth Wilson
Paul Strouth was well known in the catfish community. He untimely death in 2016 left many in the community mourning. Paul was a quiet, but thoughtful man and well respected in catfish circles. As part of the JKV Catfish Trail, Josh Vanover, tournament director, named their first event in 2017 in Paul Strouth’s honor. The […]
BCQ Schedule Announced
The Bass Pro Shops Big Cat Quest has announced the 2017 schedule. It consists of 10 stops, in 7 states, including VA, TN, TX, IL GA, MS and MO. The 2016 Classic was held out of Richmond, VA on the James River. It was won by James “Jaybird” Hopkins. The first event this year will […]
Catfish Conference 2017 chooses Louisville
One year ago, I wrote, “There has never been a catfish conference, so what is it?” Well, that question was answered in 2016 when the first Catfish Conference was an overwhelming success. The venue at Jeff Jones Marine was filled with inquisitive catfish anglers, knowledgeable vendors and some of the best in the business giving […]
Beautiful St. Johns River Crappie
Yes, I know this is a Catfish mostly page, but once in a while I like to crappie fish. So, when a particularly good day comes along it Is fun to report about it, because I know a lot of you like to crappie fish too. The St. Johns River is a particularly beautiful place […]
Cabelas King Kat heading for Wheeler at Decatur, AL
King Kat Decatur, AL was a windblown event in 2016. Anglers from 12 states competed in the weekend competition that saw mild temperatures in the low 60’s, but 20 to 25 mph winds providing an obstacle for anglers to deal with. Nevertheless, two catfish anglers brought a personal best (PB) catfish to the scales that […]
Catfish, Baseball Bats, Horse Racing and more – Louisville, KY to host Catfish Conference 2017
Anticipation is growing for Catfish Conference 2017. The event is set in a bigger venue because of the enormous success of the inaugural event in 2016. This year it is a two-day event, scheduled for Feb. 25 and 26, 2017. The Crowne Plaza Conference Center, Louisville, KY, offers excellent facilities and the two-day schedule opens […]
Big catfish abundant at Winter Blues on Wheeler
Big fish, cold, nasty weather, old friends, new friends and friendly competition characterized the popular Winter Blues on Wheeler catfish tournament (WBW). The 3rd annual WBW, presented by Fishlife Fish Care, attracted 78 teams from 19 states to the highly-touted Alabama lake near Rogersville, AL. The weather affected more than the […]
The Curse of Pre-tournament Fishing – Winter Blues on Wheeler
Plenty of catfish anglers are keeping an eye on Facebook and noting the numerous big fish being caught on Wheeler Lake in Alabama. The ones that are catching them will have to beat an age-old curse that often falls on tournament anglers that catch their big fish in practice, only to fall short […]
Catfish Conference – A Walk Down Memory Lane
My Facebook Memory this morning was a link to an article I wrote last year when I learned of the Catfish Conference. It was published on my Examiner.com page. Since Examiner went out of business, and thousands of articles were lost to the public, including this one, I decided to re-post it. Take a […]
Christmas Gift List for Catfish Fanatics
I try each year to offer some Christmas shopping suggestions. I started this year by asking myself what I would like to have for Christmas. The first thing that came to my mind was a catfish trip with a guide. That led me to think about tournament anglers and the fact that they might […]
The Toy Rod Catfish Tournament – A Model for Others
The Toy Rod Catfish Tournament – A Model for Others A guest editorial by Tammy Wilson Once a year, a secret society of anglers convene on the banks of the St. John’s River in Florida with a single mission in mind – to be crowned champion of the Annual Toy Rod Catfish Tournament and stand in […]
A different kind of net – liver in a bag
I have always had good luck using chicken livers for catfish bait. If you’ve ever used them, you know the challenge of keeping the tender bloody mass on your hook. So, when I saw this idea for stabilizing the chicken liver presentation I wanted to give it a try. The opportunity arose when I had […]
Christmas for Kids Tournament on Wheeler
Two years ago the Hold’em Hook Catfish Trail was started by Steve Dobbs. “I started the trail on Wheeler Lake,” said Dobbs. “I host monthly events for anyone who wants to participate. The trail started in June and in October of 2015, Cad Daly and I put together the first Christmas for Kids Tournament.” Good […]
Docking a catfish boat safely
For experienced powerboat operators, there is an automatic mental thought process that guides them as they approach the dock to tie up. They may be stopping for supplies, fueling up, or unloading passengers. If those steps are carried out efficiently they dock safely. For the less experienced boater, docking can be a challenge, especially in […]
Honor our Veterans
Veterans Day History – the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month 1954: President Eisenhower officially changed the name of the holiday from Armistice Day to Veterans Day. 1968: The Uniform Holidays Bill was passed by Congress, which moved the celebration of Veterans Day to the fourth Monday in October. The law went […]
JKV Fall Championship on Ohio River goes to Dale Kerns and Greg Edwards
The JKV tournament on the Ohio River drew some of the best catfish anglers in the county to the last trail event of the season. The JKV trail has been characterized in 2016 with a river out of its banks and the current cranking or a summer drought with no current. Sometimes it was 30 […]
Dreams come true for Lonnie Fountain and David Bruce at World Championship of Catfishing
The World Championship of Catfishing (WCC) was held on Pickwick Lake, AL on Oct. 29, 2016. The long running event turned out to be a dream maker for two GA catfish anglers. A tough bite on the river lead to a 59.85-pound weight claiming the WCC belts. The proud and happy anglers were Lonnie Fountain […]
BCQ Richmond Catfish Classic goes to James “Jaybird” Hopkins
The blustery wind kept anglers on their toes at the Oct. 22 and 23, 2016 Big Cat Quest Classic. Angler after angler lamented the impact of the wind on boat control and fishing conditions. Still, plenty of big fish came to the scales as determined anglers challenged the cold October wind. “If the cold […]
Windy, blustery day greets catfish anglers at Bass Pro Shops Big Cat Quest Classic
A 55-degree temperature and partly cloudy skies greeted anglers on the James River out of Osbourne Landing, VA for the 2016 Bass Pro Shops Big Cat Quest Classic. That pleasant temperature was altered by 19 mph winds with occasional gusts up to 40 mph. Boat control would be a serious challenge for competitors Osbourne landing […]
Bass Pro Shops Big Cat Quest hits James River for two-day tourney
Year ending tournament are always exciting for the anglers. This year’s Big Cat Quest is conducting its two-day Classic in VA on the James River. It may just offer an added challenge because of forecasted winds. Osbourne Landing, on the James River, will come alive on Oct. 22 and 23, 2016 with anglers from several […]
Bass Pro Shops Big Cat Quest travels to the James River for 2016 Championship
Richmond VA is the location of the Bass Pro Shops Big Cat Quest 2016 Classic. The Oct. 22 and 23, 2016 event will hold registration on Friday, Oct 21, at the Bass Pro Shops in Richmond, VA. The entry fee is $200. The event allows trailering so anglers can launch from various ramps on the […]
Entangled with catfish, ramblings and recollections
My life has become entangled with catfish. My mind is rambling from thought to thought and every thought leads to a whisker connection of some kind. Yesterday CatfishNOW digital magazine launched and it it’s time to put the second issue together. I am proud to have been asked to be a part of it and […]
Tailin’ Toads Fishing Gloves provide sun protection too!
Tailin’ Toads Fishing Gloves are designed for comfort, utility and most importantly, sun protection. Like so many other innovative products, this one has a story behind it, a story of love, devotion and healing. Following the loss of her mother, Pam Stanley, a world-renowned watercolor artist, Manny Altman was in search of a new direction […]
Top Youth Angler Award goes to Bryer Blakley at Monsters on the Ohio
When you compete in a catfish tournament with 192 boats a 16th place finish is just not bad at all. It is even better, however, when your team includes the top youth in the event. The Monsters on the Ohio catfish tournament took place on Oct. 8, in Owensboro, KY. When all was said and […]
Jody and Trish Beavin win Big Fish at Monsters on the Ohio
Winning Big Fish at Monsters on the Ohio earns prize money and braggin’ rights for the lucky anglers. Doing it twice had never happened before. Prefishing had uncovered some fish for the B’n’M team of Jody and Trish Beavin. “We had found an inside bend up river from Cannelton, Indiana,” revealed Jody. “It had been […]
Malaikham and Dehner win Cabela’s King Kat Southern Championship at Gallatin, TN
“Daddy you won,” was heard over the live stream from Cabela’s King Kat Southern Championship as competition ended Saturday October 1, 2016. That sweet little voice turned out to be the daughter of Fonzi Malaikham letting her pleasure be known at her daddy’s victory. Fonzi Malaikham from Murfreesboro, TN and Adam Dehner from Independence, KY […]
Joey Pounders and Jay Gallop lead day one at Cabela’s King Kat Southern Championship out of Gallatin, TN
The Cumberland River (Old Hickory Lake) was a tough bite for the first day of the 2016 Cabela’s King Kat Southern Championship on Sept. 30. Prefishing anglers predicted a tough bite because of a lack of current and for most that prediction came true. With top anglers from all across catfish country competing in […]
Jake and the catfish learning curve
Jake Abts is a relatively new cat man. Catfish Weekly is an internet TV show that disseminates catfish information. In today’s social media world lives become connected without the people actually knowing each other personally. Sometimes those stories need to be told. Lyle Stokes, Chuck Davidson and Tim “Doc” Lange are the hosts for the […]
New Madrid, Mo to host Bass Pro Shops Big Cat Quest on the Mighty Mississippi
The Mighty Mississippi River is calling catfish anglers again. Saturday Oct. 1, 2016 is the day for the Bass Pro Shops Big Cat Quest (BCQ) out of New Madrid, MO. Plenty of big catfish are likely to come to the weigh-in. New Madrid is a catfish friendly town where anglers, friends and family are welcomed […]
Reesha and Jessica, the new girls in town
Recreational catfishing continues to grow, often in a family way. Tournament teams are frequently brothers, fathers and sons, husband and wife, or some other combination of family members. When boat number 7 at Monsters on the Ohio launches on Oct. 8, 2016 it will be historic. The first ever all female team to fish the […]
Carl Morris Jr and Rob Parsons lead King Kat in Henderson after day one
Anglers spoke of a slow bite, no current and working hard to find fish. However the evidence at the weigh-in would suggest a pretty good bite. Lots of anglers were doing the right thing and catching good numbers of fish as is often the case when fishing the Ohio River out of Henderson, KY. Many […]
The stage is set for Cabela’s King Kat Tournament in Henderson, KY
Just two short weeks after the Mississippi River Monsters tournament in Memphis the big catfish stage will be set in Henderson, KY. The community is long known for its big catfish and welcoming residents. That welcome will be extended to the anglers in Cabela’s King Kat Northern Championship on September 23 and 24, 2016. Henderson […]
B’n’M prostaff anglers praise Mississippi River Monsters tournament
Mississippi River Monsters was a dream of George Young Jr. He wanted to bring a catfish tournament to the Mississippi River out of Memphis. “Mud Island had the facilities and the Mississippi River had the fish,” commented Young following the tournament. “It was intimidating and exciting at the same time.” Plenty of catfish anglers shared […]
New tactics for an age old past time with Jason Huggins
When you consider the fact that catfishing goes back further than most people can remember, it is not unusual that methods to catch the whiskered critter have changed. “Catfishing used to be done with cane poles and chicken livers off the banks of a river,” commented Warrior Cat Rods prostaffer Jason Huggins. Jason and his […]
Catfishing for a Cause to hold benefit catfish tournament
The organizers call it a benefit tournament and fun day. It is all about catfishing so it has to be fun. It goes to a good cause so it is a benefit too. Best of all, you can participate, show off your catfishing skills, and contribute to a good cause while having a chance to […]
Three nights on an island at Mississippi River Monsters
The trail to Mississippi River Monsters (MRM) for David Wood and his fishing partner Hugh Thompson passed through the 2016 Catfish Conference. “I attended the Catfish Conference to learn more about the sport,” explained Woods. “I kept in contact with Steve Douglas and found out about the Memphis tournament through that.” Thompson lives near Ackerman […]
Catfish Conference 2017, Louisville, KY and the Florida Outdoor Writers Association
After being home two days from Mississippi River Monsters in Memphis, we packed up and headed for the annual Florida Outdoor Writers (FOWA) meeting in Palm Coast. We are in an amazing facility. The Hammock Beach Resort is a combination of a luxury resort experience in the midst of residential living in a neighborhood environment. […]
Big fish at Mississippi River Monsters is a family affair
If it is trophy catfish you’re after, the Mississippi River around Memphis is a good place to start. In fact, 184 catfishing teams did just that on Saturday, Sept. 10, 2016. They all launched in the early morning darkness in search of some Mississippi River Monsters, appropriately enough, the name of the tournament. Anglers could […]
Masingale brothers win Mississippi River Monsters tournament
The top seven teams at the Mississippi River Monsters catfish tournament broke the 100-pound mark for a bag limit of 5 fish. Combinations of blue catfish, flatheads and a few channel cats filled the scales. The 354 catfish weighed in added up to 4,907 pounds. That’s nearly two and a half tons of Mississippi River […]
Mississippi River Monsters catfish tournament kicks off in Memphis
How big will they be? That is the only question remaining this Saturday morning Sept. 10, 2016 where more than 180 boats and nearly 400 anglers launched from Mud Island into the Mississippi River. The challenge of the Mississippi River, a quest for trophy catfish and the possibility of winning a first place prize worth […]
Countdown to the Mississippi River Monsters catfish tournament
More than 170 boats have made their way to Memphis, TN to compete in the Mississippi River Monsters tournament. With a launch scheduled from Mud Island on Saturday Sept. 10, anglers are busy preparing, checking weather reports and talking strategy. Many anglers have been on site since early in the week to test the Mississippi […]
Catfish fun at Mississippi River Monsters
I have never seen so many happy faces. I’ve touched base with friends and made a bunch of news ones. Catfish anglers, and their friends and families, rock! Mississippi River Monsters (MRM) is becoming one big gathering of catfish people sharing information and talking catfishing. Everything takes a while longer than usual, but it is […]
The Queen of the Mississippi meets Mr. Blue
It seemed like an innocent question. I am trying to remember who, but I think it was Lyle Stokes on a Catfish Weekly broadcast that asked Vicky Mathenia an all-important question. “If you could fish with anyone you wanted, other than Jason, who would it be?” For those of you that don’t know, Vickie is […]
Pop’s sailfish poles
I was convinced right off that Larry Muse was a fisherman’s fisherman. I had traveled to Wilson Lake in Alabama to learn something from him about catfishing. TJ Stallings had given me his name. An email and a short phone called set up the trip. As we left the ramp in his catfish rigged Sea […]
Why we catfish
Robert Montgomery has written an excellent book named, “Why We Fish.” He never found a single defining answer to the question. He found many. Following his lead I ask several catfish men and women what the easy part was, what the hard part was and why they fished for catfish. The answers ranged from practical […]